Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two male cats sterilised and now released; a "new" tabby trapped for sterilisation

7.50pm: the two male cats were released. Hopefully the lowering of their testosterone will reduce their propensity to fight.



Just as we were about to release the cats, we spotted the tabby outside the store-room. She was hungry. After about 10 minutes with two shifts of the trap as the ground was uneven and the trap door didn’t come down despite the cat walking right to the end, it finally clanged shut.


However there are feeders at this block who are not only irresponsible by not clearing the leftovers but endanger the lives of the community cats by offering whole fish. The small bones can pierce into the throat and guts of the cats causing painful slow death. I came a few times but couldn't meet the the feeders to talk to them. However there is a bowl of water amongst rusting bicycles at the void deck. I will leave a note there in Malay, Chinese and English, appealing for responsible and safe feeding.