397 Joo Chiat Road is the shop at the corner with the lorry parked outside. Has no signboard.
The workers there are the cat-haters who are determined to trap the community cats there that I care for, and send them to AVA.
They had the gall to argue with me about cats being put to sleep upon impoundment - and worse, lied about Shuuji having been caught by them and sent away.
It's beside a rosewood furniture shop, by the way.
They are henceforth on my shit list.

Shuuji was a community kitty that used to linger around 397 Joo Chiat Road. Remember: 397 Joo Chiat Road, currently the location of a cat-hating motorised bike shop. He was trapped and sent off to AVA since Saturday night, 21 Nov 2009.
This morning, Tues 24 Nov, I arrived to feed Shuu-chan's friend Kuro and noticed the said cat-haters were trying to trap Kuro. After telling them off and putting Kuro to another safer spot across the road with other kitties who are cared for by me, I went back and told them to call me should they have cat issues. They were chuffed - to get my number. Numbskulls. I hope they lose their nether regions tonight. In their hands.
Anyways, got back to the office, had a niggling feeling to call AVA - and sure enough, Shuuji was sent over to them in a trap.
Rushed down with my hotaru-kun. We got Shuu-chan out, the poor lad.
He's now going to lodge with me - until I find a new home.
If anyone knows anyone else who is keen to adopt a sweet-natured, beautiful, grey-brown kitty, about 4-5 years old, microchipped and sterilised... pleasepleaseplease let me know.
Meanwhile, Shuuji is getting a bath at my usual pet shop. I'll strap him on Mirei (that's my jitensha) tonight and bring him home - and hope the rest of the 4 kitties don't get aggro... he's been through enough stress.

Shuuji took to the bed in the spare room immediately... and made himself very comfy...