Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A lady with cat phobia (ailurophobia)
From her strong Indian accent, she is not Singapore-born.
She would walk with her kid, aged about 5 or 6, by the back of block where KaJi would be feeding.
It is easy to spot a person with fear of cats.
The look of shock on her face and she would quickly walk further away. She would catch hold of her kid and clutch close to her as if the cat would attack!
One evening, she screamed when her kid walked towards KaJi-2.
I took the opportunity to speak to her. I explained the significance of KaJi-s tipped ear.
She said that she developed a phobia of cats after one jumped on her during her pregnancy.
I said I hope she would not make her kid fearful of cats.
Nowadays, she walks a different route to her block to avoid KaJi.
My fear is that such cat phobic people might just pick up the phone to complain to the town council or send an email. Anonymous compliants ARE entertained by the town councils and taken seriously!
She might add "spice" to her complain to make the cats appear vicious!
Will the town council officers be fair and brave enough to verify the complaint?
Or will they take the easy way out by activating the pest controllers to "remove" the cats in the vicinity of the complaint?
Some residents join the RC to serve their interests rather than that of their fellow residents.
Some town council officers cower in fear when a RC member complain and would comply as if it were an "emperor's edict"! Read this...
With more PR's joining RCs, with a large proportion from the PRC, woes betide the cats should one such RC member decide to decimate the cats because of phobia!!