Zaobao, 20 Jul 09

● 陈亚娟
环境的污染是猫所为吗?流浪猫不求什么,只求一餐温饱,也不曾给人制造麻烦,但有关部门一接到投诉,不管三七二十一把猫捕捉置于死地,那请问人为的破坏 环境清洁又何讲,是否也把责任推到猫身上呢?如果把所有的猫杀了,你们认为环境会清洁吗?在此请有关部门不要只听投诉而捕捉猫儿,忽略了同情猫的人的悲 哀。
Why cull stray cats? By Chen Ya Juan
I am living in the vicinity of Bedok Reservoir Road, all these while, whilst busy commuting to and fro from work, I have not paid attention to the natural flora and fauna around the area.
However, towards the end of last year, I lost my job and was jobless s for a couple of months, I encountered a depressing scenario, and i.e. there are residents who have lodged complaints to the relevant authorities about cats polluting the surrounding environment.
Upon receiving the complaints, the authority swiftly acted upon it by calling in the pest control company to capture the stray cats and sent to AVA for culling.
Do cats have the capability to pollute the environment?
The maintenance of stray cats are not high, they are contented with 1 full meal day, they do not create a nuisance for humans but when the authorities received complaints, regardless of any reasons, they sent the stray cats to hell. How do you explain the pollution created by humans, should we also push the blame on the stray cats?
If all cats are culled, would the environment we live in be pollution free?
I hope the relevant authorities would not just act blindly against any complaints but to look further into the compassion and agony of the residents who look after these stray cats.
The authorities should pay more attention to residents who throw their rubbish down from their flat and to my observations; it is a common sight to see broken plastic bags with all kind of rubbish strewn all over the floor.
Cats aside, there are also dog owners who walk their dogs and let their pet dogs **** and urine anywhere without clearing the mess but no one make complaints against the dog owner.
I am a dog owner myself and I know the faeces and urine are from dogs.
I remember that the authorities have said that they will not cull or capture stray cats that have been sterilised but these promises have been ignored despite the residents who spent a lot of time, effort and money to sterilise the cats.
We cat lovers have spent countless time and money to send the stray cats for sterilisation but at the end of the day all efforts are wasted because they still end up in the gallows.
Why did the authorities go back on their words not to cull sterilised cats?
Can’t you spare the poor cats’ lives?
I hope Aljunied Town Council and the AVA would be able to provide us, the cat lovers a satisfactory reply on what course of actions are done to the stray cats after they are captured?
Suppport Chen Ya Juan by writing to the Aljunied Town Council at
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Mr George Yeo
Minister for Foreign Affairs
MP for Aljunied GRC
Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed
Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs)
Vice Chairman of Aljunied Town Council
MP for Aljunied GRC
Mrs Lim Hwee Hua
Minister, Prime Minister's Office
Second Minister for Finance &
Second Minister for Transport
MP for Aljunied GRC
Mr Yeo Guat Kwang
MP for Aljunied GRC
Vice Chairman of Aljunied Town Council
Madam Cynthia Phua
MP for Aljunied GRC
Chairman of Aljunied Town Council