Subject: Please say a little prayer for this poor dog !
Date: Thursday, 23 July, 2009, 11:28 PM
Dear all animal lover friends
My message today brings with it some really heart wrenching images but I just have to share it with all of you as unpleasant as they may be. It's sent by a friend of Bhada. I hope you could say a little prayer for this poor dog to help her with a full recovery.
The victim is a female pregnant dog. She was brutally slashed repeatedly resulting in her loosing 4 of her babies and suffering from a fractured spine, not to mention the angry wounds all over. She's found and sent to one of the best animal hospitals here in Bangkok. Bless the kind soul who came to her aid quick enough, failing which, she'ld have succumbed to her injuries. It's beyond imagination how someone could inflict such an inhuman act on this poor innocent dog. What has she done to deserve this? I can't think of any valid reason for someone to become so brutally cruel except that probably she may have provoked the attacker by threatening to bite which I strongly believe it's an act of self defense for her unborn puppies.
Being an animal lover, we can fully emphatise with the deep suffering this innocent mummy dog's going through and may all your prayers give her faith and strength to overcome this adversity. It's so sad that she's all alone nursing her pain and loss as she's only a street dog, nary a comforting pat or stroke from her owner to soothe her suffering. As I'm writing to all of you, I couldn't help wiping away my tears.
Anyway, those of you with your lovely, royally spoit 'sons' and/or 'daughters', give them a hug on my behalf !