He was so affectionate that the staff and many users came to love him, and that put his life in danger, because he came to settle himself at the entrance of the fitness centre, awaiting for a loving pat on the head as users walked in and out.
One day, a lady-user who has phobia of cats, filed a complaint with the management even though the staff accomodated her phobia by opening a side entrance for her.
She gave an ultimatum for the cat's "removal" or she would complain to "higher authorities".
The management contacted AVA and fortunately the AVA officer managed to contact a caregiver in the vicinity of the fitness centre.

Photos taken on 19th October 2006

As the life of Gym-Mee was in too much danger from just ONE complainant, he was moved to a shelter where he was adopted on 17th Novembe 2006.

16th November 2006: in the shelter.
He now lives in a private apartment in a classy district! He is now called Zacky.

18th April 2009, blog's entry, "Zacky has decided, as part of an important member of the household, to guard expensive electronic equipment, wherever that equipment maybe, toilet or otherwise"