Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is how one town council officer responds to a complaint about cats!

From: a senior property officer
Date: Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:34 AM
Subject: CATS NUISANCE AT ********
To: **complainant**

Dear Ms ***complainant***,

Thank you for your feedback.

We will forward your feedback to the Cat Welfare Society, for their necessary investigations and follow-ups. We will arrange for our Pest Control to round up the unsterilised cats, if the Society is unable to solve the nuisances.

The volunteers from the Cat Welfare Society will also be contacting you directly, should they require more details with regards to the feedback.

You may also like to take note of the Cat Welfare Society’s e-mail address at, to report on other cat matters.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Senior Property Officer
Address of the town council

The complaints are about
1) "This is to inform you that the cats are back again because a lady from Blk ** is feeding between 6 - 8 cats every morning."
2) "Also, over 3 occasions, the cats were "howling" very loudly in the wee hours of the morning waking my family and neighbours up."