Pawpledge @ LPN’s CAT DAY cum Children’s Art Carnival ‘09 in SUNTEC
Catch Pawpledge at LPN Cats Day @ Suntec this weekend!
Pawpledge is delighted to be invited once again to be a part of this wonderful event. We are looking forward to sharing with kids and parents on what TNRM (Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage) is and how to get started on this program. As the goal of Pawpledge is to take on as many sterilization projects as possible, we are dependent on the generosity of the public and fundraising efforts by our volunteers so that we can make life better for the Community Cats in Singapore
If you have not already gotten our merchandises, this is your chance to lay your hands on our very own bags, racerbacks, tees and many more! Also featuring our hot favourite canvas zip bags, and latest tees designed by Florence Chai!
We will be offering special discounts for old stocks! Dun miss it! See us at Happy Kidz Atrium, Level 3
P.S: Like-minded groups and organisations like Metta Cattery, Cat Welfare Society and some individual cat foster and volunteers will also be at the event!
LPN Cats Day 09
Venue: Suntec City Mall, Level 3,
Happy Kidz level, Front & Back Atrium
Date: 6/7/13/14 June 09, 12-6pm