Saturday, March 13, 2010

Recalcitrant irresponsible cat owners!

This cat is seen outside a Malay family that has 7 adult cats and 4 kittens. When told of complaints by neigbhours from "mess" from his free-roaming cats, the owner claimed he gave away the 4 kittens. Over a period of time, 5 of the cats were neutered. He is procrastinating in getting the remaining 2 female cats to be neutered. Repeated advice by the SPCA Inspector to the owner to cat-proof the flat fell on deaf ears. A few weeks ago, the town council received yet another complaint of "mess" from cats from this unit. "Fortunately" the complainant was able to pin-point where the cat came from and so the town council officer cannot activate the pest controller (who is also the estate's cleaning contractor) to round up all the cats in the vicinity of the complainant.
This video was taken this afternoon showing a siamese-cross cat waiting for the windows of for the irresponsible owners to open the windows so that it could jump in!

The HDB cat ban promotes such irresponsible cat-ownership!

With cat-ownership rules and regulations that require mandatory sterilisation, microchipping and keeping cats indoor or face a big fat fine, such recalcitrant owners can then be taken to task!