June 1, 1986
ELDERLY people checking into nursing homes around the state are finding more than a clean bed, a friendly nurse and companionship. Dogs, cats, birds, fish and an occasional pig are also greeting them.
''As recently as five years ago, there was a real question about the use of pets in nursing homes because some felt they might get in the way of patient care,'' said Barbara Farling, therapeutic recreation consultant for the State Department of Health Services. ''But now there's a real trend toward pet-therapy programs for the elderly because it works. People need to be needed and animals need people.''
According to Louis J. Halpryn, executive vice president of the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities, pets in nursing homes have not presented any real problems.
''There's always the dog who has gotten too rambunctious and has knocked over a tray,'' he said, ''and there are cases where pets have got too damn fat because the patients are constantly feeding them. But other than that, we have had nothing but positive response.''
In facilities where pets are kept, there seems to be a homier and livelier atmosphere. Health care officials say that residents are happier and more productive, staff members are more relaxed and although pets place an additional burden on them, their jobs are actually easier because of the uplifted spirits of their patients. And the pets benefit from the constant attention.
Recently, at the New Haven Convalescent Center, there was an air of excitement. Staff and residents prepared for the monthly visit of Blossom, a brown Yucatan miniature pig, who belongs to one of the nurses. At the receptionist's desk, Tonka, a miniature dachshund who spends his days at the center, greeted everyone as they passed through the front door.
Lucy, a medium-sized brown and black mutt, walked around visiting her favorite residents, then barged into the office of Dr. Susan Sandell, the administrator, for an afternoon nap under Dr. Sandell's desk.
At this nursing home, as in others that have a comprehensive pet therapy program, one prerequisite for staff members is a fondness for animals.
''I don't think it's an accident that we attract employees who love animals,'' said Trudy Paquin, a nurse at the convalescent home, who takes a small dog with her when she recruits nurses.
Miss Paquin, who owns Blossom, said the pig is hypoallergenic and easy to keep.
Julia B. DeCapua, an 86-year-old resident at the New Haven home, said Blossom is very interesting and has created a lot of friendships. ''She also has a very therapeutic effect on the elderly,'' she said.
Dr. Sandell cited the case of Ken Whitehouse, a 75-year-old resident who used to practically ''hibernate'' in his room.
''When Lucy came to live at the center three years ago, Mr. Whitehouse said he'd do us a favor and take care of her. Now he gets dressed, makes a bed for Lucy in his room every night and his physical health has stablized,'' she said.
Dr. Sandell said the only drawbacks are the extra work the animals require and occasionally an animal gets out of hand by running out the door or having an accident on the floor.
Mrs. Farling said that if pets are properly taken care of, and if the nursing home staff has a plan on how the animals will interact with the patients, it works out very well. She said there is no law that addresses the use of pets in health care facilities, but the Public Health Code states that pets cannot be in food preparation or service areas and they must be treated by a veterinarian as needed.
In addition, the staff must make sure that all pets are kept away from the rooms of residents who are afraid of or have allergies to animals.
''In cases where animals are used in nursing homes, it's absolutely spectacular the way it can turn people around,'' said George Whitney, an Orange veterinarian who advises nursing home staffs on the value of pet therapy.
''A withdrawn person comes out of his shell,'' he said.
He attributed this change to brain chemistry. He said that endorphins, which are substances released from the brain when a person is stimulated by something such as animals, reduce pain and blood pressure and alleviate depression.
According to some nursing home administrators, having pets in nursing homes conjures up memories of childhood pets, which many consider very therapeutic.
On a recent day at the Courtland Gardens Nursing Home in Stamford, elderly men and women gathered in the recreation room to watch the weekly dog obedience class. Two parakeets, Sweety and Tweety, chirped in their cage as Max, a black standard poodle who spends 40 hours a week at the center, walked among the wheelchairs to get his strokes for the day.
Barbara Hokenson, 87, talked about her childhood on the farm. ''We had a dog named Ponto who was very gentle and very lazy. He liked to lay around in the sun. They were hard days, busy, we did lots of work but I kind of miss it.''
''When I'm around the animals I'm not thinking of myself, I'm busy watching the dogs and it changes me inside,'' she added.
Wendy Wheat, director of therapeutic recreation at the Stamford home and owner of Max, said she started bringing pets into the home about four years ago because, ''I love animals and I think it's cruel just because someone's old and can't live at home that they can't have an animal.''
She warned, however, that there are certain precautions that must be taken. ''Temperament is very important, as is cleanliness, checking for fleas, and also watching out for things like leashes which people can trip over. One little thing like that can ruin your whole program.''
One of the benefits of having the dog obedience class is that it brings people in from the community, which gives the residents contact with the outside world, ''and in turn shows outsiders that this is not a scary world,'' she said.
The only problem Mrs. Wheat has encountered is jealousy among the residents who vie for Max's attention. Dr. Sandell said she has the same problem in New Haven.
At the Brookview health care facility in West Hartford and at the Avon Convalescent Home things did not run as smoothly.
Trish Fried, administrator at Brookview, said they had a golden retriever that was very rambunctious and caused a patient to trip. The patient was uninjured but the dog broke its leg and finally was adopted by one of the staff. But the center has not given up on animals.
Currently, they have another dog, a cat, 60 ducks in the backyard and fish tanks scattered throughout the building. And every August the residents don costumes for a rodeo that takes place in the backyard.
Rosemary Battistoni, administrator for the Avon home, which presently has no pets, said they once had a dog who lived at the home but whose personality did not fit in because he liked to run and roam a lot. She said she is now working with the Humane Society on adopting another animal.
''Even if the next one doesn't work out we'll keep trying because we have several residents who just love dogs,'' she said.
At the New Haven Convalescent Center, Max, the black poodle, got into the elevator and went to the second floor with Dr. Sandell's help. He walked down the hall until he reached Room 230, Emmy Henrickson's room, where he spends about half his day. He sauntered over to her, she fed him some dog treats and he then rested on her feet.
''He's good company,'' Mrs. Hernrickson, 90, said. She rubbed Max's head and smiled. ''Animals are good in nursing homes,'' she said. ''They're better than human beings because they talk to me and ask for my attention.''