Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Only laws can stop fur trade



MY HEARTFELT thanks to Kong Soon Wah for highlighting the issue of animal cruelty in the China fur trade in “Buying a fur coat? Watch this video first” (my paper, Oct 19).

I recently watched the video mentioned in the commentary (http://blog.peta.org/archives/raccoon_dogs), which showed atrocities occurring on a fur farm in Hebei province.

It is unfathomable how people can behave like this without having to account for their actions.

As an animal lover, I was disturbed and angered by the footage.

I am not sure how people like me can contribute towards the fight for animal rights in China or, indeed, elsewhere.

However, the commentary is one method of informing and engaging people on the issue, and I commend the writer for it.

I have posted a link to the video on my Facebook page. I hope my friends would do the
same and pass on the message that such treatment of animals is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Until legislation is passed in China to prosecute such behaviour, the only way to prevent this from happening is to continue to draw attention to the issue on an international platform.

Perhaps, only then, when people all around the world stand up for these poor animals, will China pay attention.

I would also like to draw readers’ attention to an article published last Saturday in the press on a move to give China’s animals legal protection.

Although draft legislation on the issue is a long way from becoming enshrined as law, it is comforting to know that some action is being taken.

I hope that a law is passed quickly to save many more animals from their suffering at the hands of fur traders.

Miss Katie Ann Cload