Project JK - Just Kindness Posting this on behalf of a rescuer. This kitten was trapped by a family who dislikes cats, using a trap given out by the authorities. The cage with the kitten trapped inside, was left in the hot sun for a few hours before the authorities finally arrived. The rescuer managed to convince the authorities to let them have... the kitten (after they brought the kitten back to the office). This kitten is about 5 months young, black and white male. If you are able to adopt him, pls contact Thank you.

Young kitten trapped in the loan trap-cage, and left in the hot sun for a few hours before the authorities took him away.

Nails on the walls of the family who trapped the kitten.
Appeal to the AVA to STOP the FREE LOAN of CAT TRAPS

Young kitten trapped in the loan trap-cage, and left in the hot sun for a few hours before the authorities took him away.

Nails on the walls of the family who trapped the kitten.
Appeal to the AVA to STOP the FREE LOAN of CAT TRAPS