Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Incredible Journey of Jane-jane and the danger of "upstairs" Irresponsible Feeding!
From a caregiver called M
"During one of my morning feedings somewhere in Sept’09 (not too sure), a Blangadesh cleaner that used to be quite nice approached me and told me to help a very thin cat that fed on dried tea leaves left outside residents’ house for prayers, at the upstairs corridor of Blk **9.
Many residents made complaints to the TC who then alerted the cleaning supervisor and H.
The cleaner told me that he had tried removing the cat a few times to other blocks but it came back after a few days so I made a trip up the block to see what I can do and true enough, there was a thin, female, golden colour, unsterilised cat on the 10th floor.
I alerted H and she later brought the cat for sterilisation and released it a block away.

Unfortunately after 3 days, this cat managed to find its way back to the upstairs corridor of block **9 and the complaints started again.
I told the cleaner to give me some time so that I can lure the cat down slowly by my daily feeding.
After 2 weeks of feeding, I succeeded to lure it down from the 10th floor to 8th floor …until it stayed on the 5th and 3rd floor.
If given another 1-2 weeks, I should manage to bring the cat down the block but before that can happen, it disappeared.
I asked the same cleaner but he just said no idea where the cat is but a month later while talking to a resident, I discovered that he was the one that had trapped the cat and relocated it to a far place.
I informed H and both of us made a trip to see the cleaning supervisor and after several hush hush… the cleaner admitted that he had relocated the cat next to a camp and we made them showed us the exact location.
It was along Sembawang Road opposite Khatib camp, very far from block **9.
I have made several trips seaching for the poor cat but no sign of her.
The funny thing is three months after the relocation, the same cleaner came running to me one morning and said that the same cat came back and now she’s at the upstairs corridors of block **9 again. He said residents were complaining again and he had informed H. I went up the block immediately and true enough the same cat was there but she had wounds all over the body and she was almost ‘botak’ covered with not much fur.
I really felt sore at the sight as she was such a pretty cat with thick golden fur before.
Without much hesitation, I brought it home to avoid being relocated again.
Brought her to a vet, and upon examination, we believed that her wounds were inflicted by barb wires and attacks by other cats and treatment was given.
After 5 months of TLC, she’s a happy cat now in my house and her fur has started to grow back and we have named her Jane Jane after my late dog as she has beautiful big eyes like her. "
"During one of my morning feedings somewhere in Sept’09 (not too sure), a Blangadesh cleaner that used to be quite nice approached me and told me to help a very thin cat that fed on dried tea leaves left outside residents’ house for prayers, at the upstairs corridor of Blk **9.
Many residents made complaints to the TC who then alerted the cleaning supervisor and H.
The cleaner told me that he had tried removing the cat a few times to other blocks but it came back after a few days so I made a trip up the block to see what I can do and true enough, there was a thin, female, golden colour, unsterilised cat on the 10th floor.
I alerted H and she later brought the cat for sterilisation and released it a block away.

Unfortunately after 3 days, this cat managed to find its way back to the upstairs corridor of block **9 and the complaints started again.
I told the cleaner to give me some time so that I can lure the cat down slowly by my daily feeding.
After 2 weeks of feeding, I succeeded to lure it down from the 10th floor to 8th floor …until it stayed on the 5th and 3rd floor.
If given another 1-2 weeks, I should manage to bring the cat down the block but before that can happen, it disappeared.
I asked the same cleaner but he just said no idea where the cat is but a month later while talking to a resident, I discovered that he was the one that had trapped the cat and relocated it to a far place.
I informed H and both of us made a trip to see the cleaning supervisor and after several hush hush… the cleaner admitted that he had relocated the cat next to a camp and we made them showed us the exact location.
It was along Sembawang Road opposite Khatib camp, very far from block **9.
I have made several trips seaching for the poor cat but no sign of her.
The funny thing is three months after the relocation, the same cleaner came running to me one morning and said that the same cat came back and now she’s at the upstairs corridors of block **9 again. He said residents were complaining again and he had informed H. I went up the block immediately and true enough the same cat was there but she had wounds all over the body and she was almost ‘botak’ covered with not much fur.
I really felt sore at the sight as she was such a pretty cat with thick golden fur before.
Without much hesitation, I brought it home to avoid being relocated again.
Brought her to a vet, and upon examination, we believed that her wounds were inflicted by barb wires and attacks by other cats and treatment was given.
After 5 months of TLC, she’s a happy cat now in my house and her fur has started to grow back and we have named her Jane Jane after my late dog as she has beautiful big eyes like her. "

Koon-King resisted acupuncture
Acupuncture was decided for Koon-King as he became unwell after he was treated for enlarged lymph nodes just below the left of his jaw. He was given an injection of antibiotics+vitamin B last Saturday, to be followed by oral antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory drug called Danzen. Foster-mum said KK lost his appetite over the next few days and only a fraction of his usual.
Decision was made to stop the antibiotics as that could be a cause of the sudden "anorexia".
His appetite returned and by today he was back to his usual self. His eyes were clear despite the clot still in his left eye.
Since he was already with Dr Oh, acupuncture to improve his eye conditon was attempted but KK resisted. After several tries, the procedure was aborted.
His "submandibular" lymph nodes have also resolved.

Decision was made to stop the antibiotics as that could be a cause of the sudden "anorexia".
His appetite returned and by today he was back to his usual self. His eyes were clear despite the clot still in his left eye.
Since he was already with Dr Oh, acupuncture to improve his eye conditon was attempted but KK resisted. After several tries, the procedure was aborted.
His "submandibular" lymph nodes have also resolved.

Friday, May 28, 2010
No pups for sale? Cities ban pet shops
No pups for sale? Cities ban pet shops

Annalysia Romero, 9, watches two dogs play in an open room at the Animal Humane New Mexico's adoption center in Albuquerque on May 25, 2010. Since retail pet sales have been banned in Albuquerque, animal adoptions at city shelters have risen 23 percent.
Read on....
Read on....
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Cost of TNRM versus killing
From:, May 27, 2010
Cost of TNRM versus killing
I know it's difficult to find out how much it costs when the cats are caught and killed because AVA has not been very forthcoming with their figures. Except for one newspaper article in the New Paper years ago, I've never really seen an estimation of the costs. However from calling pest control companies, you can get a rough estimate of how much it would cost (and calling a pest control company isn't cheap if you're calling privately - one would imagine that contract rates are cheaper). Of course if you know someone within the TC, or the pest control company, that is an even better source of data.
Bear in mind though, that these costs do not take into consideration how much is saved in terms of mediation and the fact that TNRM is not one-off. It does take a lot of time and effort on the part of caregivers. Factor in that most caregivers are even willing to pay for sterilisation, and it's not difficult to see that TNRM is the most economical way to go.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Such poster is a reflection of the town council's poor management skill and should drag down its KPI!

Tampines Town Council (one of the most anti-cat town councils!)

Support Tampines Cat Caregivers

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Today Online 18 Nov 05
No strays = social responsibility
Letter from Geraldine Soh Geok Lian
During a visit to the Social Responsibility Carnival organised by the Tampines Town Council on Nov 12, I was taken a back by two posters.
There was a gigantic blue check mark on a poster bearing the words "An Estate Where There Is No Strays" (picture), while a "Feeding Stray Cat" poster, which featured a sterilised stray cat eating neatly off a newspaper, was marked with a huge red cross.
Maintaining an estate devoid of cats does not equate with social responsibility. Neither is feeding strays socially irresponsible.
As a country with first-world infrastructure, the Town Council's aim of a stray-less Tampines shows Singapore's backward mentality. The anti-cat stance harks back to medieval Europe's prosecution of cats, which were branded as heretical due to their role in "pagan" worship.
In the same period that the church sponsored the Grand Inquisition, cats were tortured. Europe's cat population shrank to less than 10 per cent of its former numbers.
Ironically, the Black Death brought a brief respite to such persecution in the 14th century. Cats rapidly multiplied and attacked the plentiful food supply: the plague-carrying rats. There is evidence that the plague (that claimed two-thirds of Europe's population) ended partly due to the rise in the number of cats.
Similarly, after the Agri-Veterinary Authority cancelled the Stray Cat Rehabilitation Scheme in 2003 and culled more cats, a rat extermination drive was launched later that year. More taxpayers' money was spent as a result.
Studies have shown the benefits of interaction with animals and how children exposed to pets develop tolerance, compassion and social responsibility. Unfortunately, the carnival instilled negative values in our children: the intolerance of other living beings in our community and the acceptability of a sterile humans-only Singapore.
Lest we forget, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong stated during his walkabout in Kim Keat that it is not illegal to feed stray cats, but it must be done responsibly.
Unless Singaporeans are proud of being a sterile nation, attitudes such as those held by the Tampines Town Council must change.

New Lease of Life?
New Lease of Life?
An exhibition panel in the Amphibian and Reptile House at the Taipei Zoo.
The crying tortoise is asking, “Release to live or release to die?”
Secure good home for pet after owner's death
Tuesday May 25, 2010
I refer to the letter, "Include animal companions in will to protect pets' welfare" (my paper, May 19) by Dr Tan Chek Wee.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) thanks Dr Tan for raising this important issue.
It can easily be overlooked in the event of an owner's death where no will has been made or, even in cases where a will was drawn up but no provision was made for a pet.
Consideration to this matter has to be given especially by pet owners who live alone, so that the best solution can be found in the interest of their pets' welfare.
A discussion with the family members and friends to see if they are willing to take on an animal/s is strongly recommended, as securing a loving home for the pet would be the best choice.
The SPCA education team does touch on the importance of keeping a pet for life (including after one has gone) and appreciates Dr Tan's timely reminder to keep emphasising it.
We will also make a point of mentioning this issue on our website under pet-care FAQs and in our newsletter.
Ms Deirdre Moss
Executive Director
Stop the act of buying, freeing animals on Vesak Day
When a 'good deed' just isn't right
Letter from Chin Kee Thou
07:42 AM May 25, 2010
ON VESAK Day - which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha - many followers and devotees buy captive animals from pet shops and set them free as a form of doing good deeds.
They have the mistaken notion that the buying and freeing of captive animals like turtles, fish and birds at temples, reservoirs, parks and beaches is a symbolic gesture of compassion. This is not a right view or action in the practice of the faith.
Right livelihood is a virtue to cultivate; but to trap and hold captive these animals for sale is an unwholesome occupation. And buying these animals is an act of abetment, which would only encourage the perpetrators to flourish. There will be no supply if there is no demand.
Saving of lives is another virtue to cultivate. But many of these animals "freed" into a unfamiliar and hostile habitat will eventually perish.
Followers and devotees should preserve lives by stopping this act of acquiring and freeing the animals and birds.
Furthermore, the money saved and donated to charity for a worthy cause is a noble act that should be observed instead.
Also, in order to protect the environment, the National Parks Board, Public Utilities Board and National Environment Agency do not encourage the practice of releasing animals in reservoirs, beaches and nature reserves.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Time to take deterrent action against cruel dog breeders
The Straits Times
ST Forum
May 24, 2010
Time to take deterrent action against cruel dog breeders
THE May 14 feature, 'Good breeding practices urged for dog farms', laid bare the unscrupulous practices of dog breeders on farms.
This was a follow-up to the previously reported case of an owner recently giving up his business and abandoning his 75 breeding dogs.
It is evident that there are breeding farms existing that are substandard when it comes to providing adequate care for their animals, and stronger action and enforcement is necessary to raise the quality of these establishments.
There have been new guidelines and standards introduced by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA), including compulsory animal management courses. However, dogs are still enduring extreme suffering because of the indifferent and callous attitudes of dog breeders.
Coaxing or warning errant owners and breeders into compliance instead of prosecuting them has encouraged further abuse in the industry.It goes to show that a mere slap on the wrist is no deterrent to improving the poor conditions.
If standards are not up to the mark, then breeders have to be taken to task and enforcement stepped up.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has for some time been advocating to the AVA the revoking of licences of breeders who are cruel to the animals under their care, because only when stronger penalties are meted out can we hope to see standards improve.
AVA officials say the onus should be on the consumers to make an effort to be informed and people should patronise only farms or shops with good standards (that is, self-regulation by the consumers).
The SPCA is of the opinion that the licensing authority - which has the veterinary expertise and access to the breeding animals - should be the one to urgently raise the industry standards.
In the interest of animal welfare, AVA, as the veterinary authority, has the mandate to ensure the humane treatment of all animals under Section 42, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of the Animals and Birds Act.
It is time to take strong deterrent action when animals are made to suffer.
Deirdre Moss (Ms)
Executive Officer
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ST Forum
May 24, 2010
Time to take deterrent action against cruel dog breeders
THE May 14 feature, 'Good breeding practices urged for dog farms', laid bare the unscrupulous practices of dog breeders on farms.
This was a follow-up to the previously reported case of an owner recently giving up his business and abandoning his 75 breeding dogs.
It is evident that there are breeding farms existing that are substandard when it comes to providing adequate care for their animals, and stronger action and enforcement is necessary to raise the quality of these establishments.
There have been new guidelines and standards introduced by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA), including compulsory animal management courses. However, dogs are still enduring extreme suffering because of the indifferent and callous attitudes of dog breeders.
Coaxing or warning errant owners and breeders into compliance instead of prosecuting them has encouraged further abuse in the industry.It goes to show that a mere slap on the wrist is no deterrent to improving the poor conditions.
If standards are not up to the mark, then breeders have to be taken to task and enforcement stepped up.
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) has for some time been advocating to the AVA the revoking of licences of breeders who are cruel to the animals under their care, because only when stronger penalties are meted out can we hope to see standards improve.
AVA officials say the onus should be on the consumers to make an effort to be informed and people should patronise only farms or shops with good standards (that is, self-regulation by the consumers).
The SPCA is of the opinion that the licensing authority - which has the veterinary expertise and access to the breeding animals - should be the one to urgently raise the industry standards.
In the interest of animal welfare, AVA, as the veterinary authority, has the mandate to ensure the humane treatment of all animals under Section 42, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of the Animals and Birds Act.
It is time to take strong deterrent action when animals are made to suffer.
Deirdre Moss (Ms)
Executive Officer
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Animal Abuse,
animal cruelty,
Letters to the Press,
Please give Winston, a homeless cat, a good safe home
Abandoned along with a large number of cats and kittens, all un-neutered, this young kitten decided to stay put in the vicinity of a coffee-shop. He was taken by a caregiver to a vet for neutering and hence he now sports a "tipped ear".
He is estimated to be about 6 months of age.
His very trusting nature puts him at risk of being abused by human sickos! And also being nabbed by unscrupulous pest controllers ordered by the town councils to "cull" "strays". After all this cat cannot protest to AVA he isn't from the area that the pest controller is supposed to "cull"!
His "manja-ness" will make a very loving home companion.
Anyone who wish to rescue from him from a precarious life in our urban wilderness, please email to
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Meow-Meow's 7th Acupuncture session
Background: Meow-Meow: A severely abused cat in Holland Drive
Someone hit a cat that the old lady feeds daily so hard that her whole back part is paralysed and fighting for her life at the clinic since 23 april.
We sent her and been visiting and praying hard that she would recover.
Someone told the caretaker that it was a Malay teenager living at Block 1 Holland Drive who hit the cat.
There is a gang of these teenagers who are trouble-makers.
Her hind legs and tail can't move. There is also back-part swelling.
Vet said there must be a lot of bruises inside and outside the body that can't be seen from the x-ray. It only shows that no bone is broken.
We are checking with vet if the cat can try acupuncture because i saw in MettaCats facebook that Felix and Mikho improved after the treatment. But old lady couldn't afford it.
This 72 year-old lady was knocked by a motorcycle months back and the someone recommended a lawyer to claim compensation ( she can't work) but told her she could claim 12k and have to pay 5-7k for legal fee. She can't afford her own expenses and the feeding of her strays (over 10) and now she is worried about injured cat's medical.
If you can help with cat food or medical. Please contact me and I can link you up with old lady.;)
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