"During one of my morning feedings somewhere in Sept’09 (not too sure), a Blangadesh cleaner that used to be quite nice approached me and told me to help a very thin cat that fed on dried tea leaves left outside residents’ house for prayers, at the upstairs corridor of Blk **9.
Many residents made complaints to the TC who then alerted the cleaning supervisor and H.
The cleaner told me that he had tried removing the cat a few times to other blocks but it came back after a few days so I made a trip up the block to see what I can do and true enough, there was a thin, female, golden colour, unsterilised cat on the 10th floor.
I alerted H and she later brought the cat for sterilisation and released it a block away.
Unfortunately after 3 days, this cat managed to find its way back to the upstairs corridor of block **9 and the complaints started again.
I told the cleaner to give me some time so that I can lure the cat down slowly by my daily feeding.
After 2 weeks of feeding, I succeeded to lure it down from the 10th floor to 8th floor …until it stayed on the 5th and 3rd floor.
If given another 1-2 weeks, I should manage to bring the cat down the block but before that can happen, it disappeared.
I asked the same cleaner but he just said no idea where the cat is but a month later while talking to a resident, I discovered that he was the one that had trapped the cat and relocated it to a far place.
I informed H and both of us made a trip to see the cleaning supervisor and after several hush hush… the cleaner admitted that he had relocated the cat next to a camp and we made them showed us the exact location.
It was along Sembawang Road opposite Khatib camp, very far from block **9.
I have made several trips seaching for the poor cat but no sign of her.
The funny thing is three months after the relocation, the same cleaner came running to me one morning and said that the same cat came back and now she’s at the upstairs corridors of block **9 again. He said residents were complaining again and he had informed H. I went up the block immediately and true enough the same cat was there but she had wounds all over the body and she was almost ‘botak’ covered with not much fur.
I really felt sore at the sight as she was such a pretty cat with thick golden fur before.
Without much hesitation, I brought it home to avoid being relocated again.
Brought her to a vet, and upon examination, we believed that her wounds were inflicted by barb wires and attacks by other cats and treatment was given.
After 5 months of TLC, she’s a happy cat now in my house and her fur has started to grow back and we have named her Jane Jane after my late dog as she has beautiful big eyes like her. "