Description:- Cat abuse is rampant is Singapore. It's a reflection of the sick twisted minds that exist in this country.
Many Singaporeans believe that stray cats breed indiscriminately and are a nuisance to society. Blame the cats for that mysterious scratch on their car. It's quite sickening, really, to see humans behaving as though they have the right to take away the life of an animal.
Take, for example, Mr Tony Tan Tuan Khoon,proud killer of more than 300 cats. He lives at 47 Jalan Redop. This guy could be your neighbour, and he's killing cats as though it's fucking hunting season all year round. He acts like he's doing the cats a favor by killing them, claiming to cull cats to show them mercy.
- How about the Chua Chu Kang Cat Killer? He RIPS CATS APART and leaves them on the 11th storey. Read this:
(alot of graphic pictures, beware). Some people say its happening in CCK block 550+. Can you imagine this is happening in your neighbourhood?
There are much more of these killings happening all over Singapore, but all are hush-hush cos Singapore Government don't really want to deal with issues like this.
Please, I urge you to support this group, and to invite as many people into this group as well. So many cats are being abused in Singapore, and people are just pretending that nothing is happening.