The Electric New Paper :
Renting pets may do more harm than good
I REFER to the letter, 'Reduce number of abandoned animals by renting out pets', by your reader Ace Kindred Cheong (The New Paper, June 21).
24 June 2010
The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) appreciates that the writer is an animal lover and means well. However, the practice of renting out pets by pet shops could take its toll on the animals.
The SPCA objects to the rental of pets whether it involves an owned pet or an animal in a shelter. We believe that there would be welfare issues for any pet that is passed around repeatedly.
This is because there would be varying expectations of the pets from every household and inconsistent levels of treatment by those renting the animal.
Inexperienced care can also lead to problems such as stress because the animals have to adapt to new and unfamiliar environments and people. Stress could, in turn, bring about illness.
Mr Cheong is correct to say that there are many children who would like to own a pet, but parents may be against the idea. The SPCA engages in public education by hosting school visits at our animal shelter where children can interact with the animals and learn about care and compassion.
Encourage bonding
The society also encourages parents to take their children to the shelter so that the children can learn to develop a bond with the animals. As part of the June holiday activities, we organised a 'Cats are Purrfect' Camp for Youth (aged 11 to 16 years), where they learned how to care for a cat.
We would like to thank Mr Cheong for his care for the animals and for taking the time to suggest possible solutions for abandoned ones.
Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment. SPCA advises that potential pet owners read up on the various breeds, their care and requirements, or to learn from friends who are experienced pet owners. More information on pet care and responsibility can be found at