Friday, April 30, 2010
She lives for the cats
This tricoloured/calico cat was dumped at her doorstep as a little kitten.
Neighours chipped in to help with getting this cat and other cats that she love, to the vet for neutering, as well as providing cat food.
This calico cat has become her favourite cat who is now a sort of "protector" for the lady, who proudly said, "Meow-Meow will attack people who are not nice to me!"
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Kittychan, a kitty who thinks he is a rabbit. Who can lend him a pair of long ears? :)
How are u feeling today? :)
Saturday, April 03, 2010
How are u feeling today? :)
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Impose stricter measures to protect dogs at farms
Apr 29, 2010
Impose stricter measures to protect dogs at farms
I REFER to the report, '5-digit sum spent to save 80 dogs' (April 21). It related how a group of animal lovers came to the rescue of dogs at a breeding farm after the owner could no longer manage the 'business investment' after only three months.
Periodic checks by the authorities have obviously not uncovered symptoms of neglect, which means as long as such breeders are given licences, closer scrutiny is needed, including a checklist of preventive measures - to be complied with as part of licensing conditions - to safeguard and ensure the dogs' welfare.
Regular checks by a veterinarian - so early signs of illness can be detected and treated - should also be factored into the licensing conditions, and certified.
In view of what has transpired in this latest case, which no doubt involved considerable and unnecessary animal suffering, a more stringent code of practice and regulation needs to be urgently implemented.
Deirdre Moss (Ms)
Executive Officer
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
'If the Government can curb the number of cars on the roads, it can restrict the number of dogs imported and monitor farms.'
MS TABATHA RANDALL: 'The Government should limit the number of dogs and other pets imported into Singapore, and monitor the number of dogs a breeder may rear, relative to the size of the farm, the farm's financial standing and its ability to care for the pets adequately. If the Government can use certificates of entitlement (COEs) to curb the number of cars on the roads - and family planning when it wanted to in the 1970s - it can restrict the number of dogs imported and monitor the animal farms strictly.'
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe....
A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Number of cats killed last year
Monday, April 26, 2010
Number of cats killed last year
I just heard from a very reliable source that the number of cats killed last year went down again. As many of you know, the number dropped from 13000 to 10000. Last year, it went down further to 6000. While that's still a lot of cats, and those deaths are preventable, it does show that progress is being made.
We've talked so often about sterilisation being a medium to long term solution - and I think we're really starting to see the results now. Even friends who aren't cat caregivers have mentioned to me that they're seeing more and more sterilised cat.
So caregivers give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back. There's still a ways to go - but we're getting there.
Cat Export Preparations
10 April 2010
Cat Export Preparations Update #1
So, last month I mentioned the astronomical costs associated with taking our cats with us to the Philippines and detailed exactly what some of those costs are. Today, we had the opportunity to take that list down a notch by getting our cats their first round of vaccinations.
Relocating pets is a serious pain in the butt and requires a lot of double-checking to make sure things are done, but it’ll be worth it when they’re all sitting at the window staring out at the Philippine and enjoying the space and privileges they’ll have in their new home.
Read on.....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Meow-Meow: A severely abused cat in Holland Drive
This pic is taken this evening.
Someone hit a cat that the old lady feeds daily so hard that her whole back part is paralysed and fighting for her life at the clinic since 23 april.
We sent her and been visiting and praying hard that she would recover.
Someone told the caretaker that it was a Malay teenager living at Block 1 Holland Drive who hit the cat.
There is a gang of these teenagers who are trouble-makers.
Her hind legs and tail can't move. There is also back-part swelling.
Vet said there must be a lot of bruises inside and outside the body that can't be seen from the x-ray. It only shows that no bone is broken.
We are checking with vet if the cat can try acupuncture because i saw in MettaCats facebook that Felix and Mikho improved after the treatment. But old lady couldn't afford it.
This 72 year-old lady was knocked by a motorcycle months back and the someone recommended a lawyer to claim compensation ( she can't work) but told her she could claim 12k and have to pay 5-7k for legal fee. She can't afford her own expenses and the feeding of her strays (over 10) and now she is worried about injured cat's medical.
If you can help with cat food or medical. Please contact me and I can link you up with old lady.;)
Emails to Bee Leng can be sent via
Koon-King has a severely infected left eye that is likely to cause permanent visual damage
Cat buddies - A White kitty try to reanimate his buddy who has already passed away.
Turkey: a white kitty try to reanimate his buddy who has already passed away kneading, purring, and cuddling beside him; some people tried to help him but the white cat wouldn't let them come near. Finally a vet arrived but it was already too late.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Cats from SAME location, DIFFERENT "destinies"
Three cats, abandoned into homelessness, shared a single location but different "destinies".
The two boys are now adopted into good homes.
The girl is still sleeping under cars and depending on the kindness of caregivers to give her food and water.
Are "destinies" fixed fates or subjected to changes?
Can cats change their "destinies"?
As human beings, we certainly can?
We can speak out against KILLING as the default modus operandi! It doesn't work and a waste of public fund.
We can advocate for STERILISATION to reduce the number of cats as less cats will decrease the intolerance.
We can start sterilise the cats at our downstairs.
We can volunteer ourselves with our town councils to help the property officers to look into complaints about cats. Without alternative, the properyt officers will just activate their pest controllers.
We CAN change the destinies of the cats, for those that remain homeless.

The Fiscal Impact of Trap, Neuter and Return Policies in Controlling Feral Cat Populations in the United States
Summary of Results:
Over the last two decades, the number of cats in the United States has steadily increased along with the human population. Over a third of households owned at least one cat in 2007, equaling approximately 80 million pet cats in America.
1 While the number of feral cats is difficult to calculate, the feral cat population in the United States roughly equals the number of pet cats.
2 The rapidly growing population of feral cats has led many local governments into taking action to combat overpopulation. Generally, municipalities use trap and eradication techniques that involve high rates of euthanasia for those cats not able to be returned or adopted out.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
..we are the only species with the power to destroy the earth
Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso (born Llhamo Döndrub 6 July 1935 - 31 March 2008), is the fourteenth and current Dalai Lama
Friday, April 23, 2010
Team Synergy!

To protect animals against negligence, abuse and enhance the quality of life for dogs. Team SYNERGY! strives to stamp out puppy mills in Singapore through educating and raising public awareness on the dark trade of puppy mills
Killing of Yishun St 71 cats by April 18
Apr 9, '10 6:13 PM
AMK - YCK TC has received feedback from residents that there are a lot of stray cats at Zone A (more than 20). They have been climbing on their cars to rest.
TC request that I do the necessary to control this by April 18, 2010. Failing which, they will get their pest control contractor to follow up.
Four years ago I went door to door to gather support to prevent the round-up of the Street 71 cats. I know who was the complainant then... because out of all the people I spoke to there was only one who wanted the cats removed!
Now I am too worn out and tired to fight another round.
This is the original email from Gary Chong
Good afternoon Ms Helga;
We have received feedback from residents that there a lot of strays cats (more than 20 numbers)at Zone A.They have been climbing onto their car to rest. Please do the needful to control it by 18th April 2010.Failing which,we will get our pest control contractor to follow up.
Gary Chong
Assistant Property Manager
Ang Mo Kio-Yio Chu Kang Town Council
Helga, it's a 40 or 50-ish lady with the two big dogs
Good news, the cats will not be rounded up! Town Council were very reasonable and we can concentrate on solving the real problems such as "Ghost Feeders" who leave a mess after feeding. One officer also pointed out that they use their common sense when dealing with complains... giving as example a resident who wanted t...he cats removed because she claimed they attacked her two large dogs! I can guess who that was.... some will come up with the most ridiculous claims to get the cats removed!
Our survey showed that only about 5% want the cats removed. Those forms returned to RC showed a very different picture but AVA pointed out that our figures conform with the usual result of such surveys!
Thanks again to everyone for their support!
Read this: Stray Cat Sterilisation Project at Bukit Merah View.
Sterilisation and responsible management has the support of up to 96% of the public. The majority of people want cats controlled but do not want them culled. They are happy to know that AVA's present approach to the stray cat situation emphasises humane management and is targeted towards achieving long-term results. Sterilisation and responsible management is humane and helps to promote a kinder and more caring and gracious society. It promotes volunteerism and encourages both animal lovers and the people bothered by cats to be active in a constructive and self-help manner to work with the authorities to deal with the stray cat situation.
22nd April 2010's 晚报news: Cat thrower psychopath in Ang Mo Kio

Ng Fangqi Akiko:
A cat was thrown off a high building by a psychopath. Residents who were sitting on the ground floor of the block could only watch helplessly as the cat fell down from above right before their eyes. The police were alerted to come and investigate.
This incident happened at 1pm yesterday (not sure if it is yesterday or today, as it doesn’t tally with the paragraph below), at Blk 713, Ang Mo Kio Ave 6.
Madam Chen (probably Tan) who works in the neighbourhood as a locksmith called this paper’s hotline, admonishing the cat thrower for the cruelty.
When this reporter arrived at the scene, Madam Chen had already placed the dead cat in a carton. There were still traces of blood on the ground.
Madam Chen said that she and other cat lovers living around the area take care of more than 10 stray cats. Not only do they feed the cats every day, they also help to get them sterilized.
She had just fed the grey cat this morning (‘this morning’, according to the report, not sure if it was supposed to be ‘yesterday morning’) at around 11am. Merely an hour later, a resident informed her that the cat had died.
When she got to the spot, she saw the cat lying dead on the ground level of the HDB block.
Three members of the public sitting on a bench nearby told her that before it happened, they had seen the cat on the ground floor, but a little while later the cat was falling down from above right in front of their eyes. It is believed that the cat was thrown down by someone from the staircase landing.
The police and the SPCA arrived after the incident to investigate, and took down statements from witnesses.
Choking back sobs, Madam Chen said, “A few days ago another cat went missing too. I heard later that it was also thrown off a high building.”
A resident said that there had been someone throwing down stuff from the high floors in the block, but it had always been objects like slippers. Now it has become a living cat.
The dead cat had a pitiful past, soon after its birth, its mother was run down by a car and died.
Madam Chen said, “I thought the three kittens were very pitiful, so I brought them to Ang Mo Kio Ave 6, so that I could take care of them while I was working.”
Yes Rheanne, Tabby Boy is perfect; handsome, cool, good temperment; does not disturb people, manja, very appreciative. i was told a neighbour has a son that loves him very much; lives on 6 floor, not sure if he carried Tabby boy up; took a photo of him just 1 day ago before his death on Wednesday. We suspected someone does not like Tabby boy wandering up there and threw him down. Tabby boy brother, Ginger is the most affected; found him yesterday disorientated far away from where he used to linger with Tabby boy.
You are right Rheann but that is a point block; from Tabby boy death location, 2 unit each facing each other. On the 6th floor, a man was looking down and asked why i was there. Not wanting to jump to conclusion and not wanting to give too much away; i simply give a short reply and walked down. But yes, i m targetting between 5-8 floors. Also i'm sure Tabby boy did not fall to his death by himself because once he was stuck at the parapet on the 1st floor at HDB block; he did not jump; did not do anything till he heard my key announcing dinner time; than did he meowed very loudly. i had use the food to entice him to jump down but he could not; and finally had the sweeper used the ladder to transfer him to me. Indeed there is a sick soul residing in that block.
Tabby boy and Ginger were never residing there until 2 months ago; how and why they moved there i have no idea. If i had know such tragedy would occur; i would have transferred them back to their previous location.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Siew Kum Hong (Citizen and activist): Feeding community cats
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Feeding community cats
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - Mahatma Gandhi
We have a dog and four cats. Our latest is a three-legged Siamese-cross kitten that my wife and I found near our estate one night. One of her legs is just a stump (you can just see it in this picture) -- it's a clean break, so it wasn't natural. The vet thinks it was either a trap, or something (say, a bike) ran over the leg, or she lost it in a fight. We named her Mei-Mei -- she's almost 7 months old, and has really come a long way.
Read on.......
Kindness a matter of heart
Online Story
Apr 21, 2010
Kindness a matter of heart
I AGREE with the views expressed by Singapore Kindness Movement general manager Teh Thien Yew ('Being gracious must come from the heart') on Monday.
Two cases come to mind. Last Saturday's Forum page carried a letter by a man who complained about the care his elderly father was given at a local hospital ('Poor care for bedridden dad at hospital'). Throughout his letter, he kept referring to his helper as his 'maid', instead of 'caregiver', which she definitely was.
The second situation is related to an ongoing issue between the management and residents of Pebble Bay condo in Tanjong Rhu. The management set cat traps after one resident complained that he saw two cats playing in the carpark and he dislikes cats.
I happen to know that the cats at Pebble Bay have been sterilised and are cared for on a full-time basis by volunteers from the Cat Welfare Society (CWS). Furthermore, the head of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) wrote to the management of the condo explaining that the killing of the cats creates a void and, within a matter of weeks, new, unsterilised and possibly ill cats will move in to fill this void.
The head of CWS also appealed to the management to reconsider its harsh actions. The systems that are in place - and supported by CWS and the SPCA, and their thousands of members - have been proven to work.
However, at present, the traps are still set. This just does not gel with the core values of 'being gracious'.
Sandra Johnson (Ms)