What is "pest" or "nuisance" to some residents in a HDB estate, may not be so to others, and vice versa.
Hence the town council's property manager or officer or a RC (RESIDENTS' COMMITTEE) member must put aside personal bias in handling complaints and to thrive for a compromise based to tolerance that is conducive to harmony in the community.
Functions of the Residents' Committee:
(a) to promote neighbourliness, harmony and cohesiveness among the residents of the Designated Zone;
(b) to liaise with and make recommendations to governmental authorities on the needs and aspirations of residents of the Designated Zone;
(c) to disseminate information and channel feedback on government policies and actions from residents of the Designated Zone; and
(d) to promote good citizenship among residents of the Designated Zone.
Read this: Killing of Yishun St 71 cats by April 18
Where an Assistant Property Officer gave the mandate to a dedicated caregiver to solve "cat problem" arising from a complaint of "too many cats" and "cats climbing over cars" by 18th April or he will activate the pest controller (this means death for the cats at the AVA).
When support poured in for the caregiver, the complaining resident "upgraded" his complaint to "cats scratched my car!"
Will the town council continues to pander to complainants, especially if they are "loud and aggressive" or perhaps some "big shot" such as RC Chairman or member?
Perhaps "docile" residents who object to such ruthless solving of issues about cats become equally aggressive by complaining of "too few cats" or "my car was scratched by human...please remove them!"