Put these 'fines' to good use
05:55 AM Apr 05, 2010
Letter from Tan Chek Wee
LAST Thursday, a friend sms-ed that her group, which cares for stray dogs, paid more than $500 in "fines" to the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) to save a dog that had been caught and was to be put down.
A few weeks ago, there was an online posting about nine HDB flat dwellers with no "cat ownership responsibilities" with the result that their Town Council quickly rounded up the cats to be put down by the AVA. A group of "cat lovers" responded and quickly retrieved all the cats to be boarded at a cattery, paying almost $1,000 in "fines" to the AVA.
May I suggest that the "fines" from these animal lovers be used to provide free sterilisation of stray dogs and
Pets Re-homing Scheme (Hong Kong)

Animal Welfare: Waitakere City Council (Auckland, New Zealand) aims to serve the community in all aspects of animal welfare and control. This is achieved by providing animal control and welfare services. This includes dog registration, operating an animals lost and found, a dog adoption service and much more. Animal Welfare Services is a business unit of Waitakere City Council.
Read "Yes, I Gas Dogs and Cats for a Living."