Photo taken on 18th January 2010
J, who works in the fitness centre, said that she fed Gym-Girl last Thursday and she appeared well. Gym-Girl preferred only dry food.
Last Monday (31th May 2010), the Cleaner-Uncle who also provided Gym-Girl with food and water, found her lifeless at the bicycle-parking area, one of her favourite snoozing spots. He said that she didn't want to eat for two days prior to her death. As there are other feeders, it was hard to determine if she was full or she was unwell.
Cleaner-Uncle has not come to terms with the cat's sudden demise and still placed a bowl of water for her.
When the weather was cold, Gym-Girl would seek shelter and warmth besides this drink dispenser.
Gym-Girl is estimated to be more than 5 years of age, perhaps about 8 years' old.
She was well loved by many people.
The discovery of her body allowed closure for the people who would miss her. Some community cats just disappeared and caregivers would continue looking out for their appearance and wondering of their well-being and ill-being.
Gym-Girl's ex boyfriends who are now in good homes:

Gym-Mee, now called Zacky

Gym-Garfileld, now called Garpy