Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This community cat called Orange-Boy treats this Recycle Bin "decently" as a shade, whereas some residents treat recycle bins as garbage bins!
Cats, on the other hands, have remarkable REPRODUCING ability, but the authorities label them as "non-productive" species and KILL them on any kind of complaints, never mind if the complainants cook up stories to get rid of them because they harbour fear of cats, never mind if there are non-kill solutions to the problems, never mind if the complainants are anonymous, never mind if ONE complainant called 100 times but the authorities will treat as 100 complaints!

This community cat seeks shelter under a recycle bin on a hot afternoon.
Many residents, despite having genuine garbage bins almost every few metres apart, treat these reycle bins as garbage bins!
Who's the dumb-ass?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Undercover operation to expose pet shops and farms
THE Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and animal welfare groups went undercover to inspect 35 pet shops and farms across the island over November and December 2010.
The undercover operation - a follow-up to the 'Stop the Cruelty in Puppy Mills' campaign launched in October 2010 - found that a total of 19 out of 35 establishments did not comply with the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority's (AVA) standards.
These establishments have been reported to the AVA. Conditions were lacking in many establishments, from improper flooring to small cages and unsatisfactory hygiene. The survey conducted by the animal welfare members found that 79 per cent of the establishments did not provide details about the puppy's parents when asked, while 84 per cent did not allow viewing of parents. When prompted by the welfare members with basic queries on whether they could see the puppies' parents, the enquirers received these responses 'for are buying the puppy, not the parent', and 'if you can find another pet farm which allows you to see the parents, the pup is free'.
Most were not forthcoming with licence application information either, with all 13 pet farms and 33 per cent of the pet shops declining to help. A whopping 92 per cent of the farms and shops did not question prospective buyers on their knowledge of puppy care and very few shops were proactive in offering pet care tips.
Deirdre Moss, executive director of the SPCA, said: 'It is a case of puppies for profit and the results highlight the urgent need for setting higher industry standards and best practices, a robust licensing system and increasing rigorous enforcement for the trade.' The results from the undercover operation have been forwarded in a paper to the AVA with key recommendations such as improvements to flooring, abolishment of the use of water bottles, mandatory licensing at the point of sale, as well as proper counselling on pet care prior to any purchase of a pet.
Other recommendations include a, 'Think twice before you buy' poster (designed by welfare groups and endorsed by AVA) that should be prominently displayed in all shops and farms, and improvements to be made in all 19 premises that failed to meet AVA's standards. View the 'Stop the Cruelty in Puppy Mills' campaign website at http://sgpuppies.comThursday, February 24, 2011
Happiness is a warm dog (or cat), experts say
Happiness is a warm dog (or cat), experts say
Pets are credited not only for dispelling loneliness, but also for lifting their owners out of the blues. -The Jakarta Post/ANN
Thu, Jan 13, 2011
The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network
Buying new clothes may be a quick fix for happiness, but if you want a longer-lasting alternative outside the closet, medical researchers and psychologists recommend adopting a companion animal.
"Having a pet allows a person to learn to take care of something and elevates the sense of caring, which positively supports the development of well-being," said Monty P. Satiadarma, a psychologist at the Tarumanagara University in Jakarta.
He explained the ability to express one's feelings of caring, such as for a pet, creates a sense of lightness in a person.
"People have lots of needs, and one of those is the need for nurturance. Since animals are living beings, caring for them increases the person's feeling of being meaningful to the subject being cared for and that meaningful feeling of the self supports the development of well-being," he said.
Pets are credited not only for dispelling loneliness, but also for lifting their owners out of the blues.
Dogs are able to pick up on a master's feelings almost instinctively, which can strengthen the bonds between master and pet, Monty explained.
"Every experience we have triggers our glands to secrete a liquid or an antibody, and a canine's powerful olfactory sense can smell and interpret these body chemicals our glands give off as either positive or negative, so whenever an owner has stress, it will be sensed by the dog," he said.
Putu Tommy Yudha S. Suyasa, a lecturer in psychology also at Tarumanagara University, said, "It's understood that when we are happier, we are healthier, and pets provide us with that connection by helping us feel not alone, and that in turn elevates our feelings of well-being and happiness."
Monty, who oversaw a research paper on the positive effects of animal companionship on the elderly, and Tommy, who assisted him, said those who are living alone would benefit healthwise from having an animal as they help their owners feel less anxiety and alleviate feelings of isolation.
"Both having pets and caring for pets trigger feelings of care and that is emotionally healthy [for any age]," Monty added.
Tommy, who has owned a dog for seven years, said a pet gives owners renewed purpose, distracts them from daily problems, encourages communication with others, and allows another outlet for physical exercise. In turn, these benefits brighten a person's overall outlook on life.
An Australian study discovered that those who owned an animal had lower blood pressure and lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as a reduced likelihood of developing heart disease than those who did not have a pet. In addition, the study observed that these risks were still lower despite the pet owners' consumption of above average amounts of meat and fast food.
Another study of heart attack victims in the US noted those who were pet owners usually survived another year longer than those who did not own an animal.
Long-term healthcare facilities abroad recognize the health benefits that pets provide to humans, and enlist companion animals to help patients cope with terminal illnesses and physical, mental or emotional disabilities.
Resident or visiting cats and dogs are considered invaluable assistants with their selfless characteristics of companionship, comfort and attention they provide for patients, and are shown to effectively complement treatments for a number of mental health disorders, especially depression, autism and dementia.
Medical care workers abroad have observed that patients interacting with animals become less anxious, respond better to treatment and communicate easier with the therapist.
While animal-assisted therapy or pet therapy in hospitals and institutions abroad has grown in popularity over the past several decades, it is not a new health trend.
Animal-assisted therapy can be traced back to British Quakers in the 18th century, who would have farm animals interact with mentally ill patients to avoid the unpleasant psychiatric treatments commonly used at the time.
Although conditions in Indonesia may not be conducive for the arrival of animal-assisted therapy as of yet, Monty was optimistic about the future as he noticed more people accepting pets in their lives as evidenced by the growing number of animal salons sprouting up around the capital.
He also said people were quite surprised to learn from the media that Muslims in other countries used and cared for dogs that played an important role in locating explosive devices.
Birds and fish might not be as cute and cuddly as their furry counterparts, but Monty said they occupied a special place in people's hearts here.
"Freshwater fish are kept in ponds as pets and in Central Java songbirds are bred not only for competition, but to enjoy their singing."
Aside from animals improving human health and well-being, Monty pointed out that owners find their pets listen with compassion at the end of a trying day, accept them without judgment and give limitless entertainment without lifting a paw.
While the medical community will expound how important it is for humans to be around animals, pet owners can feel reassurance in knowing their lives are enriched from having a familiar furry friend waiting at the door for them when they come home.
-The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Cat on a car
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Is a free-roaming home cat with a clipped ear safe on the streets?
Seen in Tampines St 91 (a resident here claimed this cat belonged to a family).
A cat outside a home in Singapore faces many dangers
1) Caught by pest controller (cats cannot protest that they are NOT the ones that resulted in complaints to some residents) and sent to AVA where it will be killed, whether ear clipped or not. Clipped ear cats could be held for a few days in the AVA before being killed, if no one comes forward to claim.
2) Killed or maimed by cars, motorbikes, bicycles and abusers.
3)Attacked by other cats or dogs
4)Eat poisoned placed by pest conrollers for birds and rats
4)Drink water in drain where chemicals are constantly pumped in by pest controllers.
If you truly love your cats, invest in wire meshing to cat-proof your home.
No point crying when your cat goes missing!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cats bring neighbours together

Latifah, "A year today history repeats itself; Jingga gets to know the neighbour with the 2 boys checking the goodies they give:)"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Billy still maintains his charm
Billy as usual will wait at the gate for the neighbours to come home from work between 6.30 till 8pm,he is like an alarm clock who knows who and who will be walking by the gate.When I am home I keep the door open till about 9pm for him to sit and watch and look out.Afterall he was all alone from 8am till I get home at 6.45pm most days except for the days when I am not working.
This evening when I saw him comfortably waiting I took my camera out to snap a picture of him and who knows at the same aunty came back from work and said hello to him.His first reaction to greet her was to stand up in respect to the elders and meow at her and aunty spoke to him in response to his acts.It was such a beautiful scene that I just had to snap a picture of the two of them.
I am glad I adopted him last year and have enjoyed his company since he is my everything now.He now sleeps with me and he knows which corner of the queen size bed belongs to him.He will wake me up like an automated alarm clock and first word he greets will always be 'ma..a' and he knows my answer will always be yes darling good morning.There are times when he will sleep in his own circle of arms and times he will expose indecently and also times when I will be waken by his tail sweeping my face.
Billy is full of love and he knows how to butter me too coming snuggling at my leg when he wants his dinner and kiss my hand and fingers when I am seated at the dining table with my note book and thats when he will just flop on my hand wanting to be sayang and be pat.
He's young and full of energy still and his favourite before we said good night is to hide somewhere waiting for me walk by and jumpa at me initially I was shocked but then I realised all he wants is to play.
Billy will always be my first love and I hope we will have a long way more to be with each other.
Billy greeting aunty at the gate
(promotes neighbourliness)
A "homeless" cat called Kunyit
1) Not aware that their irresponsible ownership of cats led to complaints by other residents to the town council
2) Not aware that the town council's attitude towards cats is one of "pests" and "nuisance" and hence treated as such, i.e. the docile ones would be rounded up by the pest controllers, transported to the AVA where they were killed.
3) Not aware that some "divine" force couldn't protect these dumped cats from some many dangers lurking in the neighbourhood
A kid once remarked to a caregiver that Kunyit was once upon "my grandfather's cat" and when asked why then he was dumped downstairs, the kid innocently replied, "My mother took in a new kitten."
Kunyit and the other "thrown away" cats were brought by caregivers to the vet for sterilisation. Kunyit was neutered about 6 years ago. He made head-butting friends with two other community cats, Panther-2 and Mui-Mui, both had mysteriously disappeared.
Kunyit is still yearning for affection and would wait for a caregiver every morning, not for food but just to see and hear a "friend". After so many years of surviving on the "streets", he has lost complete trust in human beings to be allowed to be touched but he would rub against the wall and drainage pipe, because he was too wary to rub against the caregiver's legs.