Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Make it Illegal to sell Dogs/Puppies in Pet Stores
Monday, February 27, 2012
Pet dog saves 2 girls, but loses her face

ZAMBOANGA CITY—The story of Kabang is one more heartwarming take on the familiar theme of the pet dog as lifesaver.
Cousins Dina Bunggal, 11, and Princess Diansing, 3, were walking across Nuñez Extension on Dec. 14 not knowing that a speeding motorcycle was bearing down on them. At the crucial moment, Kabang, the Bunggal family’s dog, emerged from nowhere and jumped into the motorcycle’s path.
The cousins stumbled but were otherwise unharmed. The motorcycle driver, likewise unharmed, took them to hospital for treatment of their bruises.
Eyewitness Jovito Urpiano said Kabang (a Visayan term that means “spotty”) shielded the two girls from certain harm.
Urpiano was in an eatery on his noontime break from driving a tricycle and saw how Kabang stopped the motorcycle from hitting the girls. The dog’s head landed directly on the motorcycle’s front wheel, and as it rolled, her snout got stuck in it.
“I thought somebody threw the dog on the motorcycle, but I could not see anyone who might have done that,” Urpiano told the Inquirer. He said it later came to him that Kabang had intentionally blocked the motorcycle’s path to save the girls.
A hero
Rudy Bunggal, Dina’s father who works at a nearby vulcanizing shop, also saw how Kabang saved the lives of his daughter and niece.
“The bones holding her upper snout were crushed, and we could not do anything to save it. We just pulled her off the wheel,” Bunggal said.
Thus freed, Kabang ran away as fast as she could and went missing for two weeks. When she finally returned to the family home, she looked very different.
But her human family could not care less.
“It does not matter if she’s ugly now. What is important to us is she saved our children and we cannot thank her enough for that,” Bunggal said.
“Kabang is a hero,” said his wife Christina.
Milk and porridge
Bunggal said Kabang’s heroic act might have been triggered by her closeness to Dina and Princess.
He said he found Kabang as a puppy near the family home a year ago. “We raised her like she was ours. We gave her Bear Brand (a milk brand) and porridge,” he said.
Buying milk for the dog was a big deal for the family, according to Bunggal, because he and his wife, who sells candies, have a combined daily income of only about P150.
Christina said that as Kabang grew, she was fed the same food that the family ate. “We did not mind if she was an addition to our expenses. We regarded her as part of the family,” she said.
Bunggal said Dina and Princess always played with the dog. “They even sleep together,” he said.
He recalled that Kabang had no history of wandering outside the house, which was why, he said, “we could not believe she went out when she sensed that the girls were in danger.”
Veterinarian Anton Lim of the Tzu Chi Foundation said Kabang’s act of saving the girls showed that she was grateful to the family.
Back to old self
Lim has been treating Kabang for her injuries and has administered antibiotics so her wounds would heal faster.
Kabang now uses her paws to eat. She is back to her old self, and has resumed playing with Dina and Princess.
And she is expecting puppies, according to Christina.
Real Men are Kind to Animals
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Cat Saves Owner's Life Just Hours After Being Adopted
A newly-adopted cat repaid his owner's loving gesture earlier this month by saving her from a medical emergency just hours after he was brought home, the Green Bay Press Gazette reports.
Amy Jung and her son Ethan stopped into The Humane Society near their home in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin on Feb. 8 to play with the cats, but one feline -- a 21-pound orange-and-white cat named Pudding -- stood out to the pair. Jung learned that the laid-back cat had been in and out of the shelter since 2003, and made an impulsive decision to adopt him and his friend Wimsy.
Jung said the cats wasted no time fitting into their new home when they arrived. But just hours later, the Jungs' happy day took a turn for the worse. Soon after going to bed, Amy Jung, who has had diabetes since childhood, started having a diabetic seizure in her sleep.
That's when Pudding sprang into action. The fast-acting feline sat on Jung's chest in an attempt to wake her up and when that didn't work, he nudged and nipped her face until she briefly returned to consciousness.
In that moment, Jung was able to call out to her son Ethan, but he couldn't hear her calls. Luckily, Pudding darted into Ethan's room and pounced on the bed until he woke up and was able to call for help.
Jung told the Press Gazette that she believes she wouldn't have made it through the night without Pudding -- an opinion her doctors share. Pudding is now being registered as a therapy animal, and has learned to sit by Jung's feet and meow when he senses that her blood sugar is low.
There have been a number of reports of dogs sensing impending seizures, but the same behavior in cats is much rarer, according to doctors who spoke to the BBC for a story about a cat who predicted a number of deaths at a nursing home.
Rescue: Mynah trapped on glue board saved from a sticky end.
Rescue: Mynah trapped on glue board saved from a sticky end.

Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Cleaner estates just as vital in pest eradication
Published on Feb 23, 2012
A GLUE trap is inhumane and should not be used. One can only imagine the fear and stress the cat experienced ('Renewed calls for ban on rodent glue traps'; Tuesday).
Perhaps Jurong Town Council should also review the cleanliness of the estate, while searching for a solution to the growing problem of rodents there - there will be no rats if the area is clean and well maintained.
Proper education and enforcement should be in place to educate the residents about estate cleanliness.
The estate belongs to everyone - be it humans or community cats, and everyone has their part to play in keeping the area safe and clean.
Betty Tan (Miss)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Stop the use of inhumane traps to capture animals
Stop the use of inhumane traps to capture animals
- Target: Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) Singapore
- Sponsored by: -
There have been reports of animals caught by glue-traps laid by pest control companies: SPCA Singapore reported on its Facebook page on 20 February about a community cat that suffered and died from being caught in a glue-trap laid in a HDB bin centre. On Stomp, a member of the public posted about a pigeon struggling to free itself after it got stuck on a glue-trap outside a shop that sells birds.
Glue-traps cause extreme suffering to animals. In attempting to free itself from the board, an animal may pull its fur off, exposing raw skin. It may take 3-5 days for trapped animals to die; some succumb to exhaustion, collapse face down in the glue and suffocate when the glue lodges in their nasal passages - this process can last as long as 24 hours. Often, the animals die from a combination of exhaustion, dehydration and starvation. Glue-traps capture animals indiscriminately - the neighbourhood cats, stray dogs, rodents and even lost pets can all fall victim to them.
There are more humane methods of trapping animals. These animals are already living a very harsh life out in the streets, let's not make them suffer more. Sign your name here and let AVA know that we care about the welfare of these animals. Thank you. less
S’pore public invited to air views on animal welfare
Singaporeans are invited to voice their concerns about animal welfare issues and offer suggestions on amendments to legislation on the matter at the largest animal protection event to be held in Singapore this Saturday.
More than 600 participants are expected to attend, including Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam.
"I welcome this event, and support it. How a society treats animals, which cannot take care of themselves, says much about the nature of the society. The increasing support we are getting for animal welfare events is heartening," said Shanmugam, who is also a Member of Parliament (MP) for Nee Soon group representation constituency.
Louis Ng, executive director of animal welfare group ACRES, one of the main organisers of the event, said, "There has been significant progress in the animal protection movement in Singapore over the past year. Through this event, we hope that more people will become aware of the need to protect animals and most importantly help shape animal protection policies in Singapore. With the support of the public, Singapore will undoubtedly be a leader in the animal protection movement in this region."
The event will take place this Saturday, 25 February at Chong Pang Community Club from 8am to 5pm. Log on to ACRES for more information on the event.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
This poor community cat was caught on a glue-board trap placed by a pest control company overnight at a HDB bin centre.

The board trap was about 4 feet by 5 feet in size and the amount of glue on the board was excessive. The cat never stood a chance.
SPCA has previously appealed to AVA to institute a ban of glue-board traps because of the suffering caused to animals that are trapped on them, not only rats, but other species. The case, which was reported to SPCA on Friday 17 February, only reinforces the extreme suffering that an animal goes through when glue-board traps are used. We have contacted the Town Council and the pest control company involved, to inform them that we will take this matter further We have also written to AVA to request that they ban the use of such traps
Please help us by writing to AVA at ava_cawc@ava.gov.sg to urge them to ban the use of such traps and to your town council to make sure they do not use such traps.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
wire-mesh your windows to keep your cats safe

Pet Care Tip: If you live in a high-rise apartment, the most important thing to do is to wire-mesh your windows to keep your cats safe. Cats can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces so make sure your grills or wire-mesh is less than 2 inches wide. As responsible cat owners, we should keep our cats safe and sound by keeping them strictly indoors.
*Please share this all your wall.