This is a very friendly old cat of at least 12 years. His only disadvantage is that he is BLACK!
The lady who looks after him all these years suspected that a resident complaint to the town council simply because he is black. There is no reason to find fault with this cat who is clean, do not make noise, do not scratch or bite anyone, do not breed, do not sleep on cars, do not need rumage dustbins for food, BUT he is simply BLACK!
Is the complainant some big shot that the town council officer decided not to inform the caregiver of the complaint as it would definitely be deemed unreasonable but activated the pest controller to relocate the cat so that there is NO record. After all, pest controllers are contracted to work for the town council and they will want to be on good terms with the officers to ensure that their contract is renewed. So it is highly likely that such pest controllers will be in cahoot with such unscrupulous town council officers!
It is truly a miraculous coincidence that someone snapped a photo of this cat on the 27th of May.
and then someone 30km away recognised the blue collar. The lady said the missing cat has a lump on the back of his neck, a deformed left ear from a recently treated infection and the blue collar has a row of paw prints on it.
28th May 2009: the cat was seen again however someone has removed the collar. A small lump was found on the nape and his ear was indeed slight swollen. Video was taken.
The caregiver was certain the cat was Lau-Hei after watching the video.
29th May 2009: the cat was easily put in a carrier and then driven 30km from east to north. It was a joyous moment for all during the meeting.