Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Workers cut off crushed paw of puppy in Tuas
This puppy was born in a work site in Tuas.A few days ago, tragedy struck.

Winnie wrote,
"This is a 1 month plus old puppy. A few days ago, its front leg was run over by a forklift. The workers cut away the smashed paw. I know it's very painful. Felt extremely sad over it."
Anthony and Winnie rushed down to Tuas last evening, hoping to bring the puppy for immediate attention at Pet Clinic. Unfortunately the puppy was locked in a container.
Arrangement was then made for the puppy to be seen by Dr Robin Au of Pet Clinic at 9.30am this morning.

10.40am, sms from Siew Ying,
"Just left the vet clinic. The poor boy is about 2 months' old. The paw is gone. The tissue is infected. Too young to be anaethetised. Has to be hospitalised."

Please send email to if you would like to help Tuas Boy by sponsoring his vet bill or better still, to adopt him once he is recovered.