Monday, September 7, 2009

Adoptions abroad fine but pet owners need to be responsible

The Straits Times
STForum Online
Sep 7, 2009
Adoptions abroad fine but pet owners need to be responsible

I REFER to the report, 'Wanted: Homes abroad for strays' (Aug 23).

As one who generally cares for animals, I am greatly supportive of and would like to commend the animal welfare group, Action for Singapore Dogs, for its efforts to implement the new international adoption programme, Singapore Specials Overseas.

Adoption numbers have been low in the past year, with no more than three dogs finding new homes each month. Although transporting strays from one country to another is costly, we must realise that the purpose of taking strays to adoption centres is to find a new home for them.

If some strays are put to sleep each month - to create more space at a centre to accommodate new strays - the whole purpose of such a centre is defeated.

Hence, I largely support this programme which allows people in other countries to adopt Singapore strays as it will open more doors and broaden the chances of more dogs finding a new home. At the same time, it will ensure that the number of unwanted animals in Singapore is kept at a minimum.

However, in the long run, in order to reduce the number of strays in Singapore, it is also essential for people to be responsible pet owners. Getting people in other countries to adopt our strays is only another avenue to find homes for them; we cannot expect other countries to bear the full burden of our irresponsible acts of abandoning pets.

Therefore, I hope more people will be aware that having pets is an important responsibility and a decision that is not to be taken lightly.

Elizabeth Goh (Ms)