Friday, September 11, 2009

Why are we not stopping such cruelty?

Online Only - Why are we not stopping such cruelty?
Updated 01:30 AM Sep 11, 2009
Letter from Shelby Doshi

On Wednesday morning, I saw a cat fall from a high floor of a HDB block in Bedok North.

It landed right in front of me.

It did not seem to have leapt as it did not try to reposition its body. Someone had thrown the cat down.

The cat choked on its own blood and died 20 minutes later.

Shortly after, the police and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) showed up. Unfortunately, I was unable to pinpoint the exact unit that she fell from. I was however able to narrow down to 10 units. The policemen went up to investigate and informed me that some residents have seen the cat around but was unable to identify its owner.

They also said some residents were either not in or didn't want to open their doors, and there was nothing they could do.

In the event it was a human being who fell, I don't think the issue would have been taken so lightly.

Why is an animal's life any less important? An animal is helpless, unable to complain or fight back in the event it is being abused.

Furthermore, the constant refusal of the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority to license or microchip cats make it hard for SPCA and the police to trace such animals back to a proper owner.

Why are we living in such a cruel society whereby our regulations allow such wrongdoing to occur?