
2005: Linda took pity of two stray dogs (mongrels) in her neighbourhood in Woodlands and started to give them food. Soon it became a routine for the dogs to wait for her at the void deck. Linda named them Billy and KiKi.
As mongrels are not on the list of pedigrees approved for living in HDB flats, these two dogs, although well behaved and quiet, could not be taken in by Linda into her flat.
Then someone complaint to AVA and the dog catchers came to round up the dogs. The male dog, named Billy, was caught but was injured during the rough handling by the dog catchers. The female dog escaped.
Linda rushed to AVA upon hearing the terrible news and took Billy out. With the help of a pet taxi chap, Billy was transported in a van to a factory in Sungei Kadut. While putting up a partition on a doorway of a factory, Billy escaped. Linda and the pet taxi chap searched high and low. After about an hour, Linda felt that perhaps Billy has returned to her block in Woodlands. She phoned her neighbour to check the void deck where she used to feed Billy. The neighbour said it was impossible for a dog to find his way back over such a distance and furthermore the dog was injured and limping. Linda insisted that her neighbour take a look. The neighbour looked out of the window and lor and behold, Billy was at the void deck! How did he find his way within an hour and with an injured limb?! Linda said Billy couldn't have look out of the van to see where he was going!
Linda found Kiki in the neighbourhood and took her in.
As mongrels are not allowed in HDB flats, Billy and Kiki are now boarded in a shelter.
Ironically a private apartment, even if it were smaller than a HDB flat, can accomodate mongrels.
How Billy found his way "home" will always be a mystery.
However the power of love, even between that of a human and a dog, is no mystery.
17-01-2010, 3:36pm, sms from Linda
"I'm not sure (of the distance Billy travalled) but by car, from Sungei Kadut to Woodlands is about 15 minutes. It's quite deep in the factory area. We brought him there about 7.30pm. He was found lying on my void deck about 9.30pm. He mouth was still bleeding One hind leg limping and bleeding. He was in this physical state when I claimed him from the AVA."