Meow-Meow suffered severe injury to her back as a result of abuse (a teenager kicked her in Holland Drive)in April this year, that resulted in paralysis of her hind limbs and difficulty in urination and defecation.
With acupuncture treatment, Meow-Meow was showing recovery in regaining the function of her hind limbs when she suffered a setup with a severe infection of the bladder (a common complication of paraplegics) that spread to her spine and her brain.
She pulled through a critical period.
Acupuncture was resumed as it is the only treatment now to give her some hope of recovery.
The elderly caregiver, Ah Heok, is taking care of Meow-Meow that includes regular compression of the lower abdomen to expel the urine and faeces.
Please help to lighten the financial burden on the caregiver by sponsoring the acupuncture sessions.
If you wish to observe and/or sponsor the acupuncture fees ($80 a session), send an email to Bee Leng at