Petition: Say STOP! to the sale of sharks of any species in Sheng Siong Singapore and other supermarts
Feedback to Sheng Siong:
Corporate Matters:
Ms Tan Ching Fern
Human Resource:
Ms Rachel TehEmail:

Date: Saturday, 28 August, 2010, 10:09 PM
It is with deep regret and sadness that I have to write this email to you once again.
Today I was taken aback, when I went to Commonwealth Sheng Shiong supermarket, on the way they handle their live seafood.
Two packets of dissected tightly sealed soft-shell turtles sold cheaply at $5 per packet and a large Alaskan Crab's plea for "HELP!"
These crabs are valued commercially for its edible flesh, are commonly found a few hundred feet deep in the cold Bering Sea which serves as the central location for Alaskan King Crabs.
In addition, they are known to feed off clams, snails, sand dollars, worms, barnacles, sponges, algae and even smaller crabs to name a few of their natural food sources.
With no food or sufficient movement space given to this poor crab, would it still survived?
It is evident from these photos which I took, that Sheng Shiong had once again, failed to deliver to their promises of "providing sufficient space for their live seafood and to create an environment that is similar to their habitat".
Lastly, may the dissected pictures of these soft-shell turtles serves as a "gentle reminder" to fellow Singaporeans who have the desire of eating live seafood.
The unfortuate outcome when it had outlived its lifespan - ended up dead and sold cheaply.
Would AVA care to step up checks to ensure that the conditions of these live seafood are not compromised?
**name with-held**