TingTing suddenly went missing from Kallang Place/Boon Keng area since 12 Nov, Friday morning
Well-loved & missed by everyone in the area. Almost 2 years old now, never been lost before. Was an abandoned cat. Always hanging around the same visible spot with a few people keeping an easy lookout for her. Never strays. Fed 3 times a day. But suddenly disappeared over a window period of just a few hours at night. All the other cats in the same colony unaffected.
very friendly, responds well to humans & can be handled by anyone.
does not wander around
Dark brownish/black coat/pattern
female, tipped ear
semi longhair
long fluffy tail
wearing collar with contact no. at time of disappearance.
does not wander around
Dark brownish/black coat/pattern
female, tipped ear
semi longhair
long fluffy tail
wearing collar with contact no. at time of disappearance.
$ Reward provided for information or return
Contact : artelem@singnet.com.sg
Contact : artelem@singnet.com.sg
Especially those of you active in the Kallang/Boon Keng area, can you keep a lookout. thanks. There's a slim chance but unlikely its an abuse case.
but there was/is an abuser going around in the Kallang/Boon Keng, maybe Kallang MRT area a few years ago. The police came in after some cats were killed. One was found just near the bus-stop. They interviewed people in the factory area looking for someone with multiple scratch marks on his arms.