From Joyce, "This uncle who only fed Handsome when he was a kitten 10 years ago but Handsome always sit next to uncle whenever he is downstairs."
Santa Ana, CA firefighters dismantled a car to remove a tiny kitten trapped in the vehicle’s fender well yesterday.
Janet Le heard sounds as she got into her Honda SUV to head out to work. She stopped at a restaurant to investigate, lifted the hood, but found nothing and continued on. She pulled over again near Santa Ana Fire Station No. 8 then walked to the station to ask for help.
“She asked us to take a look — we could actually hear the kitten,” said fire Capt. Tony Salerno. “We tried to find it, but we were having some difficulty locating it.
“We couldn’t let the lady just leave,” firefighter Tony Vu said. “She was so worried and she didn’t want to drive the car anywhere. She said every time she turned the car on she could hear the cat screaming,”
The firefighters looked to no avail until one man, also a mechanic, began removing parts in a effort to locate the source of the meows. The very young gray striped kitten was found in the left fender well, near the battery.
According to a vivid account in the Orange County Register:
“The firefighters pushed the car across the street and started trying to scare the cat from its hiding spot. They used an air hose and rocked the car back and forth but nothing worked, Vu said.
“We started to take apart the front end of the car,” he said. “We took out the air filter, the fender wheel, the skid plate and the battery.”
Then, a sign of life.
“Sure enough when we pulled everything out we saw a tiny tail right inside the fender,” Vu said.
Firefighters removed the cat and Orange County Animal Control took over. Vu said Animal Control officers are trying to find the striped cat an adoptive home.
Four firefighters helped with the rescue.”
According to Capt. Salerno. “We also noticed that the lady’s brake fluid was low, so we went ahead and topped that off for her, too.”
Animal control took the kitten to a shelter where, according to one report, it will be made available for adoption.
The following is a letter from Mr Richard O’Barry to Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) on the importation of 23 wild dolphins from the Solomon Islands by RWS for entertainment purposes at its Integrated Resort in Singapore. Mr O’Barry heads The Dolphin Project at the Earth Institute, which works to free and prevent wild dolphins from captivity.
Singaporeans and the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) are also calling on RWS to free the dolphins. (Visit ACRES Facebook page for more.)
Support the campaign “Save the World’s Saddest Dolphins”.
May 28, 2011
Mr. Tan Hee Teck, CEO
Resorts World Sentosa
Cc Ms Aw Kah Peng, CEO
Singapore Tourism Board
Dear Mr. Tan:
I am contacting you on behalf of the Dolphin Project of Earth Island Institute. Our organization is working to protect dolphins around the world and prevent dolphins from being removed from the wild for captivity.
We know that Resorts World Sentosa has dolphins now being kept in the Philippines that were captured in the waters of the Solomon Islands.
We would like to offer the possibility of setting up a rehabilitation and release project for these dolphins in conjunction with Resorts World. Your cooperation would ensure that these dolphins be returned to their natural habitat where they can thrive, as opposed to keeping them in captivity, separated from their original home range, their pod and their extensive social environment.
In helping return these dolphins, Resorts World would show the people of Singapore and the world that you are a true steward of the environment and a responsible company sensitive to the harm captivity inflicts on dolphins.
We have reached an arrangement with the villagers of the Solomon Islands for them to stop killing dolphins in exchange for funding from Earth Island to help develop alternative energy, clean water, and sustainable fishing. We believe that if the people of the Solomon Islands can end their 450-year-old hunts to help dolphins, Resorts World can too.
We know the people of Singapore love dolphins. Most Singaporeans would object to keeping dolphins in captivity if they knew the dangers to the dolphins and the horrific capture practices of the Solomon Islands and other dolphin capture countries.
Thank you for your consideration of our proposal.
Richard O’Barry
Marine Mammal Specialist