I refer to the article “Some upset over call for tenders to cull strays” (ST 14 May).
ACRES (Animal Concerns Research and Education Society) hopes that NParks can provide further clarifications regarding its decision to call for a tender to cull the dogs in the parks.
We share NParks concerns with regard to public safety, but is culling the dogs a long-term solution?
We understand that NParks decision was “in response to the more than 100 complaints it has received in the past year from members of the public”. Can NParks clarify how many people actually complained, as each person might have complained more than once?
We should also bear in mind that thousands of people have used the parks and have not complained and are concerned about the culling of the dogs. Any decision made should also consider the sentiments of this group of park users.
Lastly, can NParks clarify if it has consulted animal welfare groups like Action for Singapore Dogs or SPCA to find alternative solutions before it called for the tender?
As stated in the article, a more humane solution is possible and should be looked into as well.