Tuesday, August 30, 2011
1,000 gather to petition against dolphin enclosure
A handsome friendly cat that was recently abandoned
Saturday, August 27, 2011
An adopted ex-community cat
Monday, August 22, 2011
People want a humane solution. It's official!
People want a humane solution. It's official!
A big thanks to the volunteers who have participated with us in the past month on the Chong Pang door-to-door survey. The results are indisputably positive and the full report will be launched very soon.
We'd like to thank the hard work of Phyllis and Thenuga for coordinating this amazing citizen effort in support of a humane solution for our community cats. We also like to thank Mutts and Mittens Foundation for their support and sponsorship of the Chong Pang survey.
We will be acknowledging all volunteers here soon. Their work has been instrumental in steering our national dialogue on this critical issue!
LAST WEEKEND left to complete this exercise and send our results to Ministry of National Development. There will be two more rounds of operations on Saturday and Sunday 20/21 August from 11am till 7pm. Please join us if you can.
The Stray Cats Sterilisation Programme is still in its pilot stage and Chong Pang residents' feedback will play a big role in pushing for the a comprehensive roll-out of the programme island-wide.
The purpose of conducting the survey is
1) To seek residents' opinion on their preference for the Town Council to control their stray cats population by killing or by sterilisation.
2) To educate residents about the Stray Cat Sterilisation Programme and empower them to resolve common cat-related issues humanely.
3) To inform the residents of implementing 'Feeding Stations' in the estate. This Feeding Station is to provide an official place for the caregivers, who are registered with the programme, to feed the community cats in a responsible manner.
If you would genuinely like to lend a hand, please email Phyllis your
Full Name
Mobile Number
Language(s) Proficiency (Spoken)
and indicate the day and time slot(s) you are interested to help out in.
If you have specific dates, do indicate them as well.
Please email to
For more information about the programme, please check out
Hwa Chong students conducted the first door to door survey in Chong Pang last Saturday!
As expected, the results from residents who accepted the survey interview. Only 4% felt the cats should be culled which replicates the results of previous surveys. Residents were fine with the community cats around their block and felt that the caregivers there were responsible in cleaning up and caring for the cats.
We hope to target 20 blocks this Fri - Sun in Chong Pang Zone 1. We really need as many volunteers as possible. If you can be part of this inaugural effort to establish a no-culling model for Singapore, please email (at your earliest) with your availability this weekend!
Fri: 3 - 6 pm, 6 - 9 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am - 1 pm, 1 - 3 pm, 3 - 6 pm, 6 - 9 pm
If you would genuinely like to lend a hand, please email Phyllis your
Full Name
Mobile Number
Language(s) Proficiency (Spoken)
and indicate the day and time slot(s) you are interested to help out in.
If you have specific dates, do indicate them as well.
Please email to
For more information about the programme, please check out
After years of standing by our belief in using humane approach for strays control, we have 'moved' our government to lend us a listening ear. The implementation and success of the Stray Cats Sterilization Program in Chong Pang, endorsed by Minister Khaw, Minister Shanmugam, AVA and Sembawang-Nee Soon Town Council, would greatly influence how soon the programme can extend to other parts of Singapore, saving more lives.
As part of the pilot programme, a community engagement programme that includes a door-to-door survey to introduce the stray cat sterilisation programme will be conducted at 134 blocks in the district.
We need more volunteers to help conduct and complete this survey by 21 August. Available time slots for the survey has been drawn out as follows:
Mon-Fri: 3 - 6 pm, 6 - 9 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am - 1 pm, 1 - 3 pm, 3 - 6 pm, 6 - 9 pm
If you would genuinely like to lend a hand, please email Phyllis your
Full Name
Mobile Number
Language(s) Proficiency (Spoken)
and indicate the day and time slot(s) you are interested to help out in.
If you have specific dates, do indicate them as well.
Please email to
For more information about the programme, please check out

FREE TO A GOOD HOME: 5yo boy. Genuine reason, I've just got a new puppy so no longer have the time for the child. Also worried that the child may bite the puppy. Child is currently kept in a crate. Needs home by tomorrow or it'll be put to sleep. Thanks.
YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS TO A CHILD SO WHY DO YOU SEE IT AS ACCEPTABLE TO DO IT TO A DOG OR CAT? If you can't dedicate at least 10 yrs to a dog/cat, don't get one!! Copy and paste if you agree!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitty Needs Your Help!

"I found this Kitty in a car park with a chemical burn on her face and front paws. She also has an upper respiratory tract infection. She needs help to recover for the next few weeks. If you're able to be a foster carer for Kitty, or donate to help me help her, please let me know.
I'm taking in funds to help off set her bill and her daily expenses. If you're able to help, Kitty would be very grateful! Her vet bill totaled $102.08 and her daily care will cost $30/day until i find someone who can give her foster care.
If you can give her foster care, Kitty needs someone to administer oral drugs once a day and clean her wounds 1-2 times a day for the next 3-4 weeks. Carer must be aware that Kitty has the flu and must be isolated from other cats."
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dear Prime Minister,
We are born on this island just like you.
However we have no voting rights.
We need your help to give us our rights to live.
We need your help to keep our numbers down, just as the government helped to keep the human population down in the 1960s.............................. with sterilisation.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Save our stray dogs

WE are a small group of friends who have been active in feeding and rescuing stray dogs in different locations in Singapore for many years. I am writing to highlight the plight of these dogs.
Due to the recent development of the Lorong Halus Wetland, many of these harmless dogs have been trapped and culled. Some of us have been working tirelessly to rescue as many dogs as possible. But it requires time, effort and finances on our part.
We have managed to rescue more than 20 dogs in the last four years, a very small number compared to the hundreds that have been culled to make way for Singapore's fast growing development.
All the rescued dogs were treated by a veterinarian, sterilised and vaccinated. Some have been successfully adopted. The rest have been housed in boarding kennels or released to their original habitat.
These unfortunate dogs face insurmountable odds to survive. Most are trapped inhumanely, suffering horrific injuries before they are culled. We implore the National Development Ministry to intervene. Stop the culling.
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) charges a hefty S$400 for each dog to be released to volunteers like us. We would like to request the AVA to waive this fee. It would reflect its true commitment to animal welfare and humane practices.
We also have some thoughts on how the Government can be more pro-active in controlling the stray dog population.
Since it is very difficult to find homes for these dogs, as most people live in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats, we implore the HDB to review its policy of allowing only one dog of an approved small breed per residential unit.
Non-profit organisations like the Singapore Kennel Club can help. It provides a range of courses, including obedience classes - essential tools to help rehabilitate and train dogs of all nature to better integrate and co-exist in our society.
A big contributing factor to the stray population is irresponsible pet ownership. The Government should advocate pet sterilisation, and there should be heavier penalties for owners who abuse or abandon their pets.
If these suggestions are accepted, we are convinced that significant and visible results will be seen in the stray dog population.
We urge the Government to initiate change and strive towards a more compassionate and humane society.
It was Minister of State (National Development) Tan Chuan-Jin who said people must acknowledge that pets and strays are inevitably part of the living environment and should find ways to best live alongside them.
This letter bears nine other names.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Against animal cruelty
Place this cat and dog and rabbit on your wall to show that you are against animal cruelty
..../\„,„/\......... //^ ^\\
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I DON'T LIKE people that hurt animals
I DON'T LIKE people that hurt animals
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cats and dogs mentioned in National Day Rally Speech
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Cats and dogs mentioned in National Day Rally Speech
That's precisely what community cat and dog caregivers have been trying to do for years. They help to sterilise, manage and mediate - and they get very little support for doing so. Instead, roadblocks have been thrown up in their path.
While I am heartened to see that the Prime Minister has helped out in a case where a dog was caught, I am a little worried that he agreed that Ministers have more important things to worry about then cats and dogs. While I can see that in the broader picture, the Ministers have many things to worry about, I hope that this doesn't give the signal that therefore cat and dog issues should be put on the back burner. After all, these are really people issues too - it is about our environment and how we live in it. I'll post a link to the English transcript when it's out. Here it is.

While the Government will do its best to address and solve big and small problems, Mr Lee hopes Singaporeans can play a larger, more proactive and positive role, as "some problems may not be best tackled by the Government".
Residents have approached their MPs - including himself - to help with issues of pet ownership and strays, he noted. The Prime Minister said Singaporeans should take the initiative and come together to sort out issues "without needing Government to come into the loop".
Said Mr Lee: "The more proactive Singaporeans are, the better Singapore would be in responding to unexpected situations."
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A battle for public opinion. Make this 4 months count.
A battle for public opinion. Make this 4 months count.
Old habits die hard.
Even when there is a strong national direction by the Ministry of National Development towards a humane approach towards community cats, we see Member of Parliament and Town Councils continue to waver when faced with complaints.
We continue to be a complaint-driven culture because national directions filter slowly to the ground. Some of our constituency leaders continue to believe in a neutral position when it comes to handling complaints and reaching a position that will placate complainants, even when it goes against our conscience to be humane. Even in the face of an active citizenry who have shown good results by their own efforts in solving a national issue.
SARS have been quoted time and time again. One complainant goes so far as to say "Are we waiting for another SARS before we can eradicate all the strays?" He goes on to say how effective the Town Council was then and urge them to be just as effective again.
The actions of our authorities during the SARS period have left many lingering effects on our society
1) The perpetuation of unsubstantiated information about cats and diseases
2) Erosion of public trust by terminating a programme without warning
3) Entrenching values in our society that is counter to our humane conscience
4) The continual undermining of caregivers efforts to manage a national issue with their own time and resources, by removing time and time again sterilised cats without good reason.
In this 4-month review period when government agencies deliberate and decide the fate of our pet dogs, cats and community animals, your voice is a valuable one. What kind of Singapore do you want to live in? One that continues to overeact to complaints and negative information that impacts the lives of so many? Or one that shows grace and conviction to do what is humane?
This is not just about animals. It is also about the people who care for them and the ones who believe in a better Singapore.
Don't just give your suggestions and feedback to the Ministry of National Development
Your Member of Parliament and your Town Council Chairman need to hear from you too.
For those of you that care about animal welfare, this is our clarion call. Make this 4 months count.
[ ] I am an active member of our cat caregiving community who sterilises community cats and manages them responsibly. Give examples where possible.
[ ] I support the work of my cat caregiving community who who sterilises community cats and manages them responsibly. Give examples where possible.
[ ] I care about animal welfare.
[Your suggestions on how to improve animal welfare in your community or in Singapore.]
This is what we humbly seek of our esteemed Member of Parliament:
· Leadership in tackling issues with constructive pre-emption instead of reaction, towards addressing the root cause – irresponsible pet ownership and abandonment – in our estates. We also seek to work with you to reinstate an effective stray cat sterilisation programme, previously in place but abandoned in 2004, .
· Action based on good information by referring to local and overseas studies, best practices and consulting with subject experts.
· Willingness in engaging active members of the community who are committed to responsibly assisting their Town Councils and communities in tackling issues.
· Recognising and encouraging social responsibility in our estates and communities.
· Fairness in dealing with complaints.
· Commitment to cut administrative red tape to enable effective and humane solutions to issues.
We are confident that you are keen to engage the community positively. We appreciate your well-regarded attention and look forward to meeting you and hearing your views on the above.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Animal Cruelty in Yishun

We are looking for volunteers to hand out flyers appealing for witnesses who may have information regarding two cats that were found with apparent scald wounds, and that we have reason to suspect were injured as a result of physical abuse. The details of the hand out are as follows:
Date: Monday, 15th August 2011
Time: 3.00pm
If you are available to assist with the hand out, please reply to the Inspector at
We will greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Thank you.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
against animal cruelty
..../\„,„/\ your wall
...( =';'= ) to show
.../*♥♥*\ that you are
..(.|.|..|.|.) against animal cruelty ♥