"I found this Kitty in a car park with a chemical burn on her face and front paws. She also has an upper respiratory tract infection. She needs help to recover for the next few weeks. If you're able to be a foster carer for Kitty, or donate to help me help her, please let me know.
I'm taking in funds to help off set her bill and her daily expenses. If you're able to help, Kitty would be very grateful! Her vet bill totaled $102.08 and her daily care will cost $30/day until i find someone who can give her foster care.
If you can give her foster care, Kitty needs someone to administer oral drugs once a day and clean her wounds 1-2 times a day for the next 3-4 weeks. Carer must be aware that Kitty has the flu and must be isolated from other cats."
Source: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150770902230425.727552.600830424&type=1