Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Da Bai,a cat visually impaired, needs a loving home
Timid and hungry, Da Bai (Big White) was found living in a construction site at Bukit Panjang estate.
Both vision is unlikely present. He suffered from neck wound - 3-4cm region of bruise with 3cm wound-underlying tissues bruised.
Diagnosis: Suspected congenital mircophthalmia with secondary buildup of ocular discharge. Neck wound caused by blunt trauma.
Da Bai has been admitted for treatment till recovered.
He is approx 1.5-2yrs of age. Has to talk gently first before touching him, otherwise, he will get shock with sudden touch.
Da Bai cannot be released back to where he came from. He needs a caring owner who will look after his well-being in his lifetime. Will you please consider Da Bai to be a part of your life? Giving him love and care that he dearly needs...please Pm Christina Ng (
Timid and hungry, Da Bai (Big White) was found living in a construction site at Bukit Panjang estate.
Both vision is unlikely present. He suffered from neck wound - 3-4cm region of bruise with 3cm wound-underlying tissues bruised.
Diagnosis: Suspected congenital mircophthalmia with secondary buildup of ocular discharge. Neck wound caused by blunt trauma.
Da Bai has been admitted for treatment till recovered.
He is approx 1.5-2yrs of age. Has to talk gently first before touching him, otherwise, he will get shock with sudden touch.
Da Bai cannot be released back to where he came from. He needs a caring owner who will look after his well-being in his lifetime. Will you please consider Da Bai to be a part of your life? Giving him love and care that he dearly needs...please Pm Christina Ng (
Dated: 09 Feb 2012
Story of PUSSY
Current Age: 2+-year old
Ard late 2009, I got a late nite call from a 70+yo cat-loving auntie that a new abandoned kitten she had been feeding for a few days could not move. She had taken her back and put in her toilet. I went over to take a look the next day. There was some improvement as she could take wobbly steps and did not seem to be in pain. Auntie told me she had been humped aka 'rape' by a few tom cats at the bicycle stand, I laughed it off, she was a tiny baby, should be around 4+-month at most, wt less than 2kg ...
She recovered within 2 weeks. I though I better sent her for sterilisation before release. That area is problematic, I did not want a new unsterilised female running around and get pregnant. There was a risk she might wander to other areas.
The clinic staff and I could not believe! The small kitten was found pregnant during sterilisation. :( So auntie was right.
While recuperating in the auntie's hse, a feeder told me a nearby Buddhist temple was looking to adopt a kitten or cat. They want a '3 coloured cat' as they think it is a lucky colour. Ok, we got a match here. A reputable well-maintained temple with high walls. The main door is locked after 7pm. They have 4 mongrels as watch dogs, all are licensed and well-cared, they are caged most of the time and only let out when the temple closes at night. The dogs get 1 cooked meal (chicken/rice/veggi) in the morning and a dry food meal at night. The oldest mongrel HAPPY is 16+-year old! I bought him to Mt Pl Dr Heng when he got eye ulcer and acute glaucoma. Dr Heng is impressed too, as he was not bothered by his eye problems, kept wagging his tail non-stop on the table. His eyes could not be saved and the temple spent abt $1000 on the vet bill.
I gave Pussy to them on the condition that she was to be caged for at least 2 weeks, so as to get familiarise with the temple staff and environment.
She adapts very well :) Well-loved by everyone, including the late 90+year old and current Chief abbot. She likes to sit beside the abbot while he does his chanting or amuse everyone by climbing the mango tree.
Monday, May 28, 2012
To some people, not only do cats poise a risk to their children, but "old people" as well!
Said Madam Neo, who has a daughter studying in Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School: “I think the nursing home is not a good idea because there’s a school just opposite the place. Kids will be playing and walking around [the facility] and you don’t know what kind of diseases they might get.”
View Photo
Said Madam Neo, who has a daughter studying in Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School: “I think the nursing home is not a good idea because there’s a school just opposite the place. Kids will be playing and walking around [the facility] and you don’t know what kind of diseases they might get.”
The proposed site of a new elderly facility in Bishan street 13 is surrounded by four HDB flats and a school. (Yahoo! photo)
Where can we go? | ryone |
HDB says No
We stay on the streets
Town Council says No
The feeders mess up public areas
We move to the carparks
Car owners say No
The scratches must be that "stupid cat sleeping on the roof"
We move to the hawker centres
NEA says No
NEA says No
Or else no 'Singapore OK' label
We hang around the walkway
The young lady says we scare her mother
We move near the childcare
The parents complaint to the Town Council's officer
"Get rid of the cat or we beat your brain out!"
We poo on the grass
The Town Council's Senior Property Manager screams
"Cats cannot poo! Not even on the grass!"
Where can we go?
Can we ask to be unborn?
We are labelled pest and nuisance
Without justification
Look who is destroying the earth?
At an unprecedented pace
Come on
We only want to live
Just like you do
What right have you got to push us off the brink?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
HBPTC launches "Care for Cats" Programme in Holland-Bukit Panjang Town
Media Release | May 24, 2012
Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council will embark on a “Care for Cats” Programme in Holland-Bukit Panjang Town. This programme will provide a holistic approach to encourage responsible cat ownership, promote gracious living among residents and set up a welfare management system for the abandoned cats. Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council will be working closely with the Cats Welfare Society (CWS) and relevant agencies to promote the welfare of cats in our town.
In our day to day operations, our Town Council staff often face challenges in handling cat nuisance in the estates. Instead of taking the cats away every time when we receive a complaint, we plan to handle the issue in a more holistic and sustainable way. Firstly, residents may be pleased to know that there are ways and means to resolve cat nuisance while taking into consideration the needs of our residents and welfare of cats. Secondly, more can be done to re-home or adopt abandoned cats and finally, it creates an opportunity for existing pet owners to gain more knowledge on responsible pet ownership. The Town Council and CWS are committed to reach out to cat owners to help them inculcate a considerate sense of neighbourliness and not let their cats pose a nuisance to their neighbours. On the other hand, residents who feedback about cat nuisance will be attended by the Town Council together with CWS volunteer, to see how we can best resolve the issue.
After fruitful discussions with the CWS together with their volunteers, Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council has decided to embark on this CFC programme encompassing three aspects of cat welfare management :
1) Educate and promote responsible pet ownership
In our urban society, more and more residents are keen to adopt or own a pet for companionship. It is also important to nurture our young and as well as our community towards love and care for their pet. As such, there is an increasing need to educate and create positive awareness on responsible pet ownership. Proper guidance on how to care for pet will be shared by volunteers from CWS.
2) Encourage gracious living and strengthen community bond
This programme will inculcate the importance of living with animals in harmony – including our neighbours, cats and pets. In addition, this is a good drive towards harmonious living between neighbours. Overtime, when families or residents communicate positively, it will naturally encourage reciprocal kindness and understanding thus strengthening community bonding.
3) Cat Welfare Management System
One of the better remedy to address abandoned cats issues in our estate is through effective cats re-homing or adoption scheme. The setting-up of a Public Adoption Board by CWS will look into solutions like matching and re-homing of cats. In addition, CWS will also be organizing exhibitions and road-shows to promote adoption and volunteer recruitment.
There will be outreach in Holland-Bukit Panjang Town by the CWS to educate and provide useful tips and information to our residents on responsible cat ownership. The Town Council, together the volunteers of CWS will work with our residents to promote gracious living and cat welfare in our town. Educational materials and advisories have been drawn up for residents to find out how they can help and play a part in this “Care for Cats” programme.
Let us sow the seeds of ‘Care’ and reap the harvest of gracious living in our town. Together we can build a gracious community.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The soul is the same in all living creatures....
Well said.. There is nothing to differentiate between, Cats, Dogs and other Animals. Just show them Care & Love, in return they'll show you the Royality, which couldn't find anywhere on this earth..
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Jean-Claude Van Damme Really, Really, Really Loves Dogs
Action man Jean-Claude Van Damme is convinced the only reason one of his beloved pet dogs is still alive is because of prayer and comfort.
The animal-loving actor scrapped a series of publicity appearances for his new movieJCVD to spent time with his pooch, Scarface, rather than chat about his new film. And he believes his efforts kept his canine companion alive.
He tells Details magazine, "He had a stroke. I talked to him in his ear, and I prayed because I believe in forces. Now he's doing fine." Scarface is one of many stray dogs Van Damme has saved.
He adds, "I see dogs on the street, and I adopt them. I took seven dogs from Thailand, and a few of them are paralyzed. One has three paws instead of four. One is limping, so we bought him a wheelchair. I spent my own money to fly them back by private jet. In commercial, they can have heart attacks because of stress - it's dark and icy cold."
"I love animals. I have nine dogs and a kitty. My biggest orgasm - not in a sexual way - is to walk with my dogs on the beach. In Belgium we have these wide sidewalks. You feel like you're on the Planet Moon, and I can make them feel like movie stars."
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Just abandoned: a pair of siblings
Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone who is found guilty of pet abandonment can be imprisoned for up to 12 months, fined up to $10,000, or both.See below for full description of the law.
If you know who are the owner/s of this pair of cats, please contact the Cat Welfare Society or the SPCA on how you can file a report of abandonment against the owner/s!
If you know who are the owner/s of this pair of cats, please contact the Cat Welfare Society or the SPCA on how you can file a report of abandonment against the owner/s!
Siblings left to fend for themselves at void deck. Both were trembling when found and refused food since last night.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Animals and Our Community - An RPO Roadshow by AVA, Cat Welfare Society & Jurong Poin
9 June at 11:00 until 10 June at 20:00
- Jurong Point presents
"Animals and Our Community"
A Responsible Pet Ownership Roadshow
co-organised by AVA & Cat Welfare Society
Guest of Honour: Mr Cedric Foo, Member of Parliament for Pioneer SMC
Official media: I-Weekly
Date: Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 June
Time: 11am - 8pm
This year's theme "Animals and Our Community" highlights the importance of creating a harmonious living environment for all - including our neighbours, pets and strays.
We all play a part in creating a harmonious living environment.
A little tolerance and understanding goes a long way!
Come join us for an exciting weekend including
* Celebrity appearances
* Stage performances & games
* Dog, cat & rabbit adoption drive
* Dog agility and obedience demonstrations
* Children's corner with activities
* Children's puppet show
* Pet photo booth
* Goodie bags
* Lucky draw
And the long awaited "Most Beautiful Domestic Cat" Contest! Register your cats at
Participating organisations:
Action for Singapore Dogs
Animal Concerns Research & Education Society
Animal Lovers League
Awesome Pawsome
Cat Welfare Society
House Rabbit Society of Singapore
Humane Society of Singapore
Noah's Ark Cares
Singapore Kennel Club
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Come with family and friends and invite them to this Event Page!
More exciting updates ahead!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Friends with Benefits: Pets Make Us Happier, Healthier
Published on July 11, 2011 by Allen R. McConnell, Ph.D. in The Social Self
Social support is essential for psychological and physical well-being, but are people the only source for our sense of belongingness? For example, lonely people are often advised to get a dog or a cat to quell their social isolation, but is it really the case that pets can fulfill one's social needs, serving to improve owners' happiness, well-being, and even their physical health? A new study suggests the answer is a resounding yes!
Research conducted in our lab just published on-line in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that pets provide meaningful social support for owners, improving their lives. Whereas some past research found that people facing serious health challenges (e.g., recent heart attacks, HIV) fare better with pets, the current work found that everyday people can benefit from pet ownership as well.
Research conducted in our lab just published on-line in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that pets provide meaningful social support for owners, improving their lives. Whereas some past research found that people facing serious health challenges (e.g., recent heart attacks, HIV) fare better with pets, the current work found that everyday people can benefit from pet ownership as well.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Town councils should not entertain unreasonable complaints
Town councils should not entertain unreasonable complaints
Letter from Tan Chek Wee Updated 10:23 PM May 10, 2012
Every evening, my neighbour would be at the void deck to feed a community cat, one of a number of cats that another resident and I had brought to the veterinarian for neutering.
Since we started doing this about seven years ago, residents have told me that there have been fewer cats.
Recently, a resident reprimanded my neighbour for feeding the cat, citing reasons such as "dirtying the area", "increasing the cat population" and that "feeding cats is illegal". The resident threatened to complain to the town council.
Fortunately, the block's noticeboard has a poster stating that cat feeding is not illegal but littering is, and my neighbour always clears up the leftover dry food placed on a piece of paper. I told her to refer the resident to the poster.
A few weeks ago, a property officer of the town council emailed the Cat Welfare Society to say that there was feedback of "too many sterilised cats" in several blocks and to ask that some cats be relocated.
Perhaps some property officers are unaware that the presence of these cats means that there are residents who put in effort, money and time to trap the cats for sterilisation or engage professionals to do it.
Such active citizenry should be respected.
Perhaps property officers should be made to attend a "cat management" course organised by the animal welfare groups and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority, so that the solution to every complaint about cats is not to cull or relocate them.
We cannot stop people from complaining, but the town councils could stop entertaining unreasonable complainants.
Letter from Tan Chek Wee Updated 10:23 PM May 10, 2012
Every evening, my neighbour would be at the void deck to feed a community cat, one of a number of cats that another resident and I had brought to the veterinarian for neutering.
Since we started doing this about seven years ago, residents have told me that there have been fewer cats.
Recently, a resident reprimanded my neighbour for feeding the cat, citing reasons such as "dirtying the area", "increasing the cat population" and that "feeding cats is illegal". The resident threatened to complain to the town council.
Fortunately, the block's noticeboard has a poster stating that cat feeding is not illegal but littering is, and my neighbour always clears up the leftover dry food placed on a piece of paper. I told her to refer the resident to the poster.
A few weeks ago, a property officer of the town council emailed the Cat Welfare Society to say that there was feedback of "too many sterilised cats" in several blocks and to ask that some cats be relocated.
Perhaps some property officers are unaware that the presence of these cats means that there are residents who put in effort, money and time to trap the cats for sterilisation or engage professionals to do it.
Such active citizenry should be respected.
Perhaps property officers should be made to attend a "cat management" course organised by the animal welfare groups and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority, so that the solution to every complaint about cats is not to cull or relocate them.
We cannot stop people from complaining, but the town councils could stop entertaining unreasonable complainants.
Since we started doing this about seven years ago, residents have told me that there have been fewer cats.
Recently, a resident reprimanded my neighbour for feeding the cat, citing reasons such as "dirtying the area", "increasing the cat population" and that "feeding cats is illegal". The resident threatened to complain to the town council.
Fortunately, the block's noticeboard has a poster stating that cat feeding is not illegal but littering is, and my neighbour always clears up the leftover dry food placed on a piece of paper. I told her to refer the resident to the poster.
A few weeks ago, a property officer of the town council emailed the Cat Welfare Society to say that there was feedback of "too many sterilised cats" in several blocks and to ask that some cats be relocated.
Perhaps some property officers are unaware that the presence of these cats means that there are residents who put in effort, money and time to trap the cats for sterilisation or engage professionals to do it.
Such active citizenry should be respected.
Perhaps property officers should be made to attend a "cat management" course organised by the animal welfare groups and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority, so that the solution to every complaint about cats is not to cull or relocate them.
We cannot stop people from complaining, but the town councils could stop entertaining unreasonable complainants.
What right have you got to push us off the brink?
HDB says No
We stay on the streets
Town Council says No
The feeders mess up public areas
We move to the carparks
Car owners say No
The scratches must be that "stupid cat sleeping on the roof"
We move to the hawker centres
NEA says No
Or else no 'Singapore OK' label
We hang around the walkway
The young lady says we scare her mother
We move near the childcare
The parents complaint to the Town Council's officer
"Get rid of the cat or we beat your brain out!"
We poo on the grass
The Town Council's Senior Property Manager screams
"Cats cannot poo! Not even on the grass!"
Where can we go?
Can we ask to be unborn?
We are labelled pest and nuisance
Without justification
Look who is destroying the earth?
At an unprecedented pace
Come on
We only want to live
Just like you do
What right have you got to push us off the brink?
We stay on the streets
Town Council says No
The feeders mess up public areas
We move to the carparks
Car owners say No
The scratches must be that "stupid cat sleeping on the roof"
We move to the hawker centres
NEA says No
Or else no 'Singapore OK' label
We hang around the walkway
The young lady says we scare her mother
We move near the childcare
The parents complaint to the Town Council's officer
"Get rid of the cat or we beat your brain out!"
We poo on the grass
The Town Council's Senior Property Manager screams
"Cats cannot poo! Not even on the grass!"
Where can we go?
Can we ask to be unborn?
We are labelled pest and nuisance
Without justification
Look who is destroying the earth?
At an unprecedented pace
Come on
We only want to live
Just like you do
What right have you got to push us off the brink?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Singapore's community activism blossoming
At the National Day Rally in August, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had urged Singaporeans to come forward to play a larger and positive role on issues affecting the country.
Leading the way in this effort are civil society groups such as the Cat Welfare Society.
The society has seen public support increase steadily over the years.
But what made 2011 a milestone for the group was its engagement with the government.
It has successfully lobbied authorities to start sterilising stray cats this year -- a shift from the old policy of culling them.
Its vice-president Veron Lau said the Stray Cat Sterilisation Programme, which was terminated in 2005, is now back and piloting in a number of housing estates like Ang Mo Kio and Tampines.
Under the programme, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) works with town councils to microchip and sterilise stray cats, and pays for half the cost.
"I see the change from the government officers in the way they want to work together with us," Ms Lau said.
At the National Day Rally in August, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had urged Singaporeans to come forward to play a larger and positive role on issues affecting the country.
Leading the way in this effort are civil society groups such as the Cat Welfare Society.
The society has seen public support increase steadily over the years.
But what made 2011 a milestone for the group was its engagement with the government.
It has successfully lobbied authorities to start sterilising stray cats this year -- a shift from the old policy of culling them.
Its vice-president Veron Lau said the Stray Cat Sterilisation Programme, which was terminated in 2005, is now back and piloting in a number of housing estates like Ang Mo Kio and Tampines.
Under the programme, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) works with town councils to microchip and sterilise stray cats, and pays for half the cost.
"I see the change from the government officers in the way they want to work together with us," Ms Lau said.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Appeal for Daisy & 6 Pups
Dear fellow friends,
Hope you guyz, are following up with Daisy's post in FB.
Daisy & her pups, are still at the AMK Vet, seeking treatments for her diarrhea. Her 6 pups are doing well.
We are extending her stay in the shelter at LCK, for at least 3 months, till Daisy and her 6 pups gets a loving home.
If you wish to help us with the funds, please feel free to contact us at,
Mumtaz @ 94520256
Lee Jae @ 90900196
Your Kindness Would Never Be Forgettable.
Thank you!!
Hope you guyz, are following up with Daisy's post in FB.
Daisy & her pups, are still at the AMK Vet, seeking treatments for her diarrhea. Her 6 pups are doing well.
We are extending her stay in the shelter at LCK, for at least 3 months, till Daisy and her 6 pups gets a loving home.
If you wish to help us with the funds, please feel free to contact us at,
Mumtaz @ 94520256
Lee Jae @ 90900196
Your Kindness Would Never Be Forgettable.
Thank you!!
The Many Things that Money Cannot Buy.

Years ago, I walked into the newly renovated LIFE centre at SGH, a beautiful integrated one-stop venue designed for a holistic approach to eating disorders and other psychiatric illnesses. I was absolutely impressed by the seamless archietecture, the beautiful kitchen, and cozy consultation rooms. That day, on the preview tour of the centre, I turned to my colleague and muttered to her: Oh my god, money CAN buy happiness.
I realise I couldn't have been more wrong.
In the past few months, I am ever more convicted that there are so many things that money cannot buy.
Money cannot buy a life. Yes, you can treat illnesses which threatens a life, but once a life is lost, you can never get it back, even if you are Steve Jobs. There is nothing more precious than life itself. Not just human life, all life; the life of dogs. For every little life is a perfect creation with a purpose, however small it may be. Rescuers will agree with me that there is no greater joy than saving a dog, be it a bailout from AVA, helping a sick dog, or rehoming him or her into his new life.
2 days ago, a friend's dog passed away, and she was very affected. However, on the same day, she rescued a puppy, pulling the poor boy out of a drain. She texted me excitedly to tell me how happy she was to have saved a life, having lost another on that day. I replied: "Now you know how I feel all the time. :) "
It was her first rescue, and I know that it will not be the last.
Money cannot buy compassion and love - Compassion for other human beings and other animals; unselfish love for people and animals you may not even know. These come gradually, after we come realise that there is more to existence than 'I, Me and myself'.
Logically speaking, there is no explaining why animal rescuers and stray feeders out there do what they do - Spend all their time cooking for animals, stress over which dogs will be in trouble, call AVA all the time, send dogs from home to shelter to vet to home. It is a perpetual cycle of stress, heartache, despair, and more stress.
It is not for money, fortune, or fame, for feeding and rescuing dogs is a very expensive business with little or no material returns- all of the rescuers I know bleed money out of their pocket.
The rescuers and stray feeders do it because they understand that money is not everything. They understand that doing their bit to help others is more important than keeping lots of money.
Over the past year, I have met so many stray feeders who dedicate all their time to filling the stomachs of dogs/ cats, sterilising them, taking care of them - people who works all day, and yet gets up early everyday to cook for the dogs and cats; a petite woman who approached Francis Lee, shouting at him and trying all means to save a dog he had caught, disregarding her own safety; a couple who feeds all the way into the wee hours of the morning, people with day jobs who rush to their sites after work to feed, day after day.
All these people can choose to sit in a cafe to read a book and sip a cuppa tea, or stroll down Orchard Road browsing through the shops at their leisure, but they choose not too.
Why? Because they have a heart of gold. And that, money too cannot buy.
What is the point of this note, you may ask?
I guess I really just want to say a big thank you to everyone out there who has done your bit for the poor animals in one way or another - donating funds, volunteering with our shelter dogs, helping to transport dogs, advocating adoption, etc.
And a really big thank you to all the rescuers and stray feeders out there. You have my utmost respect, and I sincerely admire the selflessness that you embody.
2 days ago, when AVA called me to ask me to give the green light to put down the 2 Sin Ming dogs, I was so desperate I was almost in tears. No one wants to be responsible for deciding the lives and deaths of others. I wrote a plea on my wall, not expecting very much. However, within a few hours, 65 people have shared my desperate cry for help, and on the same night, a kind shlelter had agreed to take the dogs in. The quick responses and big hearts are priceless. You canno buy that. I was so grateful for everyone's help, and I am sure the 2 dogs whose lives everyone has contributed to saving are as well.
People have asked me why I am not spending my time monitoring the stock market or learning how to invest to make more money.
The answer is simple: Because money cannot buy many things. Most of all, money CANNOT buy happiness.
And I am very thankful over the past year to have the good fortune of knowing all of you rescuers and stray feeders out there, who showed me this.
Thank you!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Ginger cat saved from the brink of death, needs a 100% safe home
4 hours ago
Lighthouse Ginger. This trusting ginger boy walked into Lighthouse Evangelism Church, thinking that it is a safe haven, unbeknowing to him, he was swiftly picked up and sent, not to paradise, but to be destroyed at AVA.
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