Published on Jun 20, 2012
I AM dismayed by last Saturday's report ('NParks defends wild boar decision') and the letter from the National Parks Board ('Why wild boars have to be culled: They destroy forests'), which suggested that the way to deal with Singapore's wild boar population is to kill them.
These wild boars live in a protected nature reserve.
In the name of progress, we have been pushing indigenous flora and fauna to extinction or to the outskirts of subsistence.
Our zero tolerance for plants and animals that do not fit into our lifestyle has to change if we claim to be environmentally and culturally advanced.
Already we cull crows because we deem these intelligent birds a menace. Now wild boars are deemed a menace.
Wild boars do not attack people unless they are provoked, manhandled or threatened - much like house pets.
Respect wildlife and nature while we still have the privilege. Culling is not a solution when this group of home-grown wild boars has managed to set up home in our nature reserve despite the odds.
If we must intrude into their peaceful existence in an area that was created to protect them, why not explore sterilisation first?
Katarina Tan (Ms)
(This letter carries 33 other names)
Ms Ravi snapped this picture of wild boars rummaging in an undisclosed neighbourhood some six months ago. -- PHOTO: CHRISTINE BERNADETTE RAVI
Published on Jun 20, 2012
I HAVE encountered wild boars on the streets while taking part in a street dog project, where we feed and sterilise street dogs to prevent their population from growing ('Why wild boars have to be culled'; last Saturday).
The wild boars are calm, gentle and extremely good-natured. In fact, many of them share their meals with the street dogs we feed. I remain unconvinced that they will harm the public.
Christine Bernadette Ravi (Ms)