Posters were put up at Blk 503A and 503B, and 3 people searched floor by floor starting from 12th storey where Nessie/Mani disappeared from
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:25 PM
“She’s missing!! I dun hv a recent photo of her, but she was groomed & shaved & now in between. Her fur’s nt fully grown yet. Sembawang area. Near Sun Plaza. She slipped out of the house on Sun when we had a lot of visitors moving in & out. Pls let me knw if u see her.”
Searched the vicinity of 503A.
Spoke to a Chinese man on #03 of Blk 503A who was watering his plant. He too has not seen any cat during the past week.
Spoke to a Malay man who lives on the ground floor on the block next to Blk 503A and a foreign worker who works there. They have not seen any cat fitting Nessie/Mani's description.