He is dirty looking.
He looks miserable.
He is, now,the only cat here without a tipped ear.
Yet a middle-aged Chinese lady cared enough for him to tranfer him from an adjacent block to the block where she lives so that she could give him food everyday. This lady is a responsible feeding, always waiting for a few cats to finish the food so that she could clear the leftover.
However, she lacks the means to bring the cats to the vet for neutering and for care of illnesses.
This afternoon at about 1pm, a caregiver who lives in another neighbourhood, met her and asked her to help put him in a carrier as he was wary of stranger.
With the feeder's help, the cat, now named NeNo was brought to a vet for treatment of his gum inflammation. His neuter will also be checked. If already neutered (he appeared to be already sterilised as his testicles were not obvious), his ear will be tipped before he is released back into the neighbourhood. His "manja-ness" with the feeder indicates that he is yet another victim of abandonment!