The Electric New Paper :
Are we tough enough on animal abusers?
23 September 2010
I REFER to recent reports of animal cruelty. A pomeranian was repeatedly hurled to the floor and a box of kittens tossed from a flat.
Such incidents seem to be occurring more frequently. The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority should ensure that animal abusers are adequately punished.
Is the present fine and warning a sufficient deterrent? Although the perpetrators can be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to a year, they mostly get more lenient punishments.
The number of animal abusers prosecuted also appears to be low.
Could such factors be perpetuating this problem of abuse?
A strong signal is needed to deter would-be animal abusers.
Letting them get away with a small fine does not send the right message. Heavier penalties and mandatory caning should be added as a form of deterrence.
The maximum jail term could be increased to 10 years or more.
The kind of cruelty we are seeing just should not be tolerated and animals should be protected.