Sep 16, 2010
Get tough on animal abuse
I REFER to the report, 'Reward raised as witnesses yet to step up' (Sept 1), and would like to commend the efforts taken by the 11 animal lovers and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who pledged $3,400 in total as a reward to bring the man who repeatedly hurled a pomeranian against a wall to justice.
What the assailant did was undoubtedly a heinous act. However, I am shocked that there were 'eyewitnesses' to the incident who did not try to stop the man from abusing the dog.
Such apathetic behaviour by eyewitnesses exemplifies the typical ugly Singaporean. Of course, it is not against the law to be just an onlooker, but is it morally right to watch and not help to stop the violence?
In view of the increased frequency of animal-abuse cases here, I feel the punishment for such abusers should be made harsher. It should be mandatory for such abusers to be both jailed and fined to emphasise the seriousness of the crime.
Lastly, I would like to praise the 'no-kill' policy of Action for Singapore Dogs. Although putting animals to sleep is one of the most convenient ways to control the stray animal population here, it is a highly questionable and controversial method.
Of course, in cases where the animal is suffering and in extreme pain, it is deemed ethical to put it to sleep. But it is unethical to 'murder' them to control the stray population.
Celine Lee (Ms)