The Electric New Paper :
Forget tradition, save the eco-system
09 October 2010
THE date Oct 10 is a popular wedding date, and with this comes the usual practice of serving shark's fin soup.
There will be couples who adhere to the tradition of ordering the dish for the sake of pleasing their elders.
But I have come across instances of guests going to the extent of turning down a wedding invite because they knew that shark's fin soup was going to be served.
It would perhaps be wise to consider doing away with a tradition that some find offensive, instead of forcing the dish on guests who may not appreciate it.
The demand for shark's fins has already depleted the population of a number of shark species.
Every year, thousands of sharks are killed for their fins.
The killing of sharks for only their fins is similar to the killing of bears for their bile, elephants for their tusks, and rhinos for their horns.
It is cruel, unnecessary and wrong.
Instead of enslaving ourselves to practices and beliefs that were acceptable in the past, Ibelieve it is important to now change our ways to ensure the survival and balance of our eco-system.