ST Forum
Oct 7, 2010
Sterilisation works better than culling-only practice
MS FONG Yuet Ming ('Questions for no-kill animal shelters'; Sept 29) asked if there are humane alternatives to a no-kill policy.
The well-run shelters our society knows actively promote sterilisation to control the animal population. They also integrate the sterilised animals into the community properly. In the long run, sterilisation and community integration reduce the need for more cats and dogs to be sent to shelters or be culled.
The statistics are encouraging. Culling rates continue to drop annually, in relation to estimates of the cat population in the community. The drop may be due to sterilisation efforts in the past 10 years.
This decrease is unprecedented, especially compared to when culling was the only form of animal control.
This is good news not only for people concerned about animal welfare, but also for those who do not take to animals and want fewer around.
Sterilisation efforts must be intensified nationally to quicken its momentum.
We encourage everyone to be part of the solution by participating in animal sterilisation exercises.
Veron Lau (Ms)
Cat Welfare Society