However when it comes to complaints about cats, some town councils' officers are "super efficient" in picking up the phone to activate the pest controllers to round up the cats for killing at the AVA.
Town councils do not see the need to include "cat management" as part of the training of their property officers as for "donkey years" their default "solution" is to have the cats rounded up by the pest controllers who are often also their contracted cleaning company, hence no additonal cost incurred. However there is no independent audit to include in their KPI the inefficiency of culling/killing.
In some estates, residents who have an interest in cats (known as caregivers), volunteer to assist the town councils to resolve feedback about cats. Yet often such volunteerism is not appreciated and viewed as "nuisance" even. Hence the audacity of some propery managers and officers giving caregivers ultimatum such as one week to resolve the issue or "we will remove the cats!"