Step up moves to curb pet dumping
Oct 28, 2010
I WAS upset to read Tuesday's report ('Concern over horrific cases of pet dumping'). Many people abandon their pets when they find taking care of them too costly or time-consuming. They adopt or buy pets on impulse, only to dump them when they are 'no longer cute'.
The authorities should make it compulsory for all aspiring pet owners to attend a course on responsible pet ownership. The course should educate people that keeping a pet is not very different from raising a child: There will be mess to clear and costly visits to the vet. Upon completing the course, they can be issued a licence to own pets.
It should also be mandatory for pet shops to register the personal details, such as the name and address, of those who buy pets.
Finally, the HDB should allow flat dwellers to keep cats, but make sterilisation compulsory. Besides being healthier and less prone to some types of illnesses, sterilised cats do not caterwaul. They also require less maintenance.
A little education on responsible pet ownership will go a long way towards reducing the number of abandoned pets.
Elizabeth Tan (Ms)
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